An Evile review from the USA

I am so proud and privileged to know Ol from the old SLAYER forum before I realised that he was in Evile and it just makes me so fuckin proud to see how well they are doing and causing a wave that we all know that is truly justified

I love the description of Ol as the Ninja and I have never laughed so loud when that revewier pointed that one out, I even watched the bonus Dvd again and lo' n' behold, there is a scene of Ol doing his low bowed ninja walk onstage

So we now have on one side Captain Information and next to him is Ninja Ol

Fuckin priceless
So true - it is brilliant to see that the lads are going across so well in America, they deserve a few breaks after all the bad luck they've had. I hope they are holding up OK, as I'm pretty sure this is the longest continuous run of gigs they've ever done, and 2 months on the road with hardly any days off would be a challenge for anyone.

As someone who has been watching them play for 9 years (since they were Metal Militia), I am enormously proud of their achievements thus far, and can't wait to see how far they can go, now they've taken the big step of touring the States.

Go Evile!:headbang::kickass: