...And We're Off!!!!


Mar 18, 2003
Catonsville, MD USA
Hi Everyone,

We're off to Europe tomorrow - fun fun fun! We'll be hitting about 18 parks and 50-60 coasters between tomorrow and July 4 where we finish up at Disney Paris -- NOT celebrating the 4th of July, LOL! No Internet for me for 21 days :( but it should be a great time! I'm sure there will be 10 more bands to check out by the time we get home, LOL! Presto Ballet will be on my list too!


PS - Hey |ng, At War with Self is one of my faves right now!
Uhmmm... so what are you going to do, exactly? It sounds like you're touring yourself, and I didn't know you were in a band. In any case, have lots of fun, you diserve it. Pity that you don't come to Barcelona, I would be glad to guide you through the best of my city. ;)

Thanks for replying to my comment about "At War With Self", sometimes it seems like this is a dead board.


You and Dave have a great time. Look forward to hearing about it. Great time to go for sure, Europe in the summer in amazing.

Ing it is kind of dead in here I guess we need to fire it up a bit with some news updates etc. The band has been inrcedibly busy with family and work. We are concentrating on writing a great disc right now, taking our time and doing it right.

As far as this At War With Self with Self disc I have been playing it quite a bit. I really love it. It is actually playing right now. Ken Golden and Sensory records have some incredible stuff out right now. This one is totally cool. I love Travis Smiths artwork as well on this and other covers ie Riverside, Zero Hour etc.

Manrings fretless is so PHAT on this one, I dig it. I need to pick up DT,s new one so I can be my own judge. Maybe today.

Thanks for your posts bro.
ebass said:
Ing it is kind of dead in here I guess we need to fire it up a bit with some news updates etc. The band has been inrcedibly busy with family and work. We are concentrating on writing a great disc right now, taking our time and doing it right.

Oh, in case you took it as a complaint to the band, it wasn't, I grant you that. It wasn't even a complaint at all, just a bad expressed gratitude to Mare, one of the pillars of this board, for replying. Yes, I would like to make this place warmer, but that's something that we, the regulars over here, have to do ourselves. A board is often made up by the forumers themselves, so we're on duty here too!! ;)

In fact, this is one of those boards where you can actually get to meet the band, so I can't complain about anything. I've been roaming the place for over a year now and you, Ed, constitute a very active and friendly member, so I just can say thank you for your care and attention, not to mention the great work you do with the band.

As for the new album, you make it as good as "Tug Of War" and I'll buy it twice. Promise.

Well - as the voice of cynicism on this board......I just don't have anything to say.......lol

Been listening to alot of different music lately. Spend most of my time on the Heavy Harmonies message board, and on melodicrock.com

Listening to alot of new stuff like: Starbreaker w/ Tony Harnell, Danger Danger, .....etc.

Still waiting for an ENCHANT gig closer to the east coast. And still in awe of 'Ultimate gift', 'Paint the Picture', and "The Thirst'

I try not to seem like I'm ingratiating myself here...I still kick myself for not attending the Oakland gig.....
Thanks Ing and Ed! Guten Tag!!! We are in Germany again near Hannover right now, heading to Heide Park tomorrow! We went to Hansa Park today for about 2 hours and got to ride the wild new chair swing ride that goes up 150' in the air - an AWESOME view of the German countryside!!! That is my second fave so far, behind the awesome Balken coaster in Sweden at Liseberg! Take care everyone!!!