Anthrax Behind the Music Remastered


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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Anyone else seem the commercial clips for this? Should be interesting. Alot has happened in the Anthrax world in the ten years or so since their Behind the Music originally aired.
In the preview clips they show Frankie talking about someone being shot dead or something and then they show an image of Dimebag. We all know what happened to Dime obviously but if I recall the rockumentary, he was talking about his baby bro, Anthony.

I bet front man/flavor of the month doesn't get mentioned.
In the preview clips they show Frankie talking about someone being shot dead or something and then they show an image of Dimebag. We all know what happened to Dime obviously but if I recall the rockumentary, he was talking about his baby bro, Anthony.

Yeah, you're right unless they did a new interview.

I bet front man/flavor of the month doesn't get mentioned.

They'll have Scott saying "It was the best decision we've made. Anthrax was meant to sound this way" and originally he would have been referring to John. This time they will edit out any part he's says John and they'll add a clip of recent shows with Joey.
I watched it last night. Not bad but of course nothing any of us TRU fans didn't already know. I was a little worried about how they were going to cover the Bush era since they barely mentioned him in the original one (when he was still actually the singer) but I thought they did a better this time around and had a lot of positive things to say about him and even mentioned the fact that he was asked to "rejoin" for the next album and declined which kind of surprised me. They were pretty hard on ole' Don Nelson though which I got a kick out of.
Don Nelson's part lasted seconds. Pretty much like his career with Anthrax. I think pretty much what that guy said in the rockumentary. He wasn't good enough (read his singing wasn't good enough to put up with the bullshit he pulled). At some point they must have liked him initially. I never understood why. I tried hard to not judge on youtube clips but he just sucked. Poor man's Phil Anselmo.