Any German Metal bands that actually sing "Auf Deutsch"?

yeah... dont ask me why i shared that lol

it was a long day yesterday...
Occam's Razor, where are you from? I live on the edge of NRW (by Hessen, I think) I've been here about two months now (from Ohio) and I'm excited to met any metalheads in Germany:kickass:

It seems like German radio does only play the american/british pop, with a little house thrown in ever so often.

The only metal I knew that was in German was NSBM, so I probably don't have very acceptable suggestions. From my time here, I kinda get an idea of the German peoples view of NS, and I was really only into the music cause I liked having a large range of BM in my collection. Plus, i agree that the violent nature of the lyrics can be described as an outpour of violent emotion in most forms of music
I am from the tiny Saarland in the West, only a few minutes from Luxemburg and France, so that's quite a distance to Altenbeken.

I think that there is no point to listen to NSBM only because one craves for black metal fury - there's enough nazi-free blackness out there, and intelligent as well. Helrunar screech in German, and Hidden In The Fog or Secrets Of The Moon, albeit in English, are quality as well in that field.

So what do you think about how we view the NS period here? - I'm always interested in American views on this, given that some exchange students I know who were in the Mid West or something were offered a birthday cake in the shape of SS-runes during their time there. The people considered this a compliment and thought there's a Third Reich over here.:lol: Obviously, you are not that ignorant.
Oh god, there were so many ignorant assholes back home who said shit like "Don't join the Nazi party" (though I didn't know that the NPD still actually ran for election and was elected in some places) I remeber we had an exchange girl from german and she was constantly harassed by raised arms and shit like that, but I come from a shitty little backwater town in Ohio, where I've heard that the KKK still operates, so what do you expect I guess.

A couple years ago, I went through a slight NS phase where I listened to NSBM and read right-wing fiction. I mostly did it to learn a different perspective, but I dropped it real fast when I realized I didn't like being pissed of all the time. I don't know, I still don't think it's fair for the German people to be constantly harrassed by the actions of a group of people almost 70 years ago, and I think the german people should be allowed a certain amount of nationalistic pride, because it really is a great nation. I've been here for almost two months, and I really love it, I've considered living here. Just havng a little trouble learning Deutsch, and making friends, but it will all work out, I'm an optimist:) I've seen people in school here reacted in different ways to the NS period. Some don't mention it much, and others joke about it. I had two guys in my class come up to me after I made a presentation in German, and told me "I did good, but I need to speak more like the Führer" and preceded to make impressions. One of these guys also showed me a video online of a series of old Nazi video clips that were edited to go along with the YMCA song that I found pretty funny. But I haven't encountered anything quite as interesting as the birthday cake with the SS runes:lol:

I've heard of Secrets of The Moon, and I have one song from them, but I'll have to check it out. I've been looking for good German BM.

Yeah, Saarland is kinda far from here. I'm here as an exchange student and it sucks because my group tends to keep a tight rein on our travels. Hopefully that will change with time
Harassment is for sure the right way to deal with us, but I consider it a responsibility of ours to ensure that such a catastrophe will never happen again. My generation does not have to feel guilty, but be aware of the mistakes our predecessors have made and not repeat them. I have some trouble with people that make jokes related to the topic or allude to anti-semitic cliches. It may be funny for some, but soberly speaking, it plays the whole thing down and can insult those affected. Also, it confirms the prejudices Germans have to face abroad at times.

Anyway, let me know in case you travel anywhere close to my place, or attend certain concerts. Maybe we can have a beer and talk a little.
so you live in Saarbrücken ehhh... hmmmmm working harddd for the moneyyyy
Occam's Razor said:
Harassment is for sure the right way to deal with us, but I consider it a responsibility of ours to ensure that such a catastrophe will never happen again. My generation does not have to feel guilty, but be aware of the mistakes our predecessors have made and not repeat them. I have some trouble with people that make jokes related to the topic or allude to anti-semitic cliches. It may be funny for some, but soberly speaking, it plays the whole thing down and can insult those affected. Also, it confirms the prejudices Germans have to face abroad at times.

Anyway, let me know in case you travel anywhere close to my place, or attend certain concerts. Maybe we can have a beer and talk a little.

Ich verstehe, and you're right. I would like to talk about this more. Maybe after a few more months, my exchange group will let me off the leash so I can actually go to The Saarland
you are... because... um... just because...

i hear Trier is pretty.
you are... because... um... just because...

i hear Trier is pretty.

Hell, what kind of mushrooms do you consume over there?

Trier is Germany's oldest town with a lot of remnants of the Roman Empire. I'm studying there at the university. It was also the birthplace of the man that brought America a lot of trouble with the regimes he inspired: Karl Marx.
Plus, they keep some mouldering rag in the church there, which is said to be the man's cloth that he carried when they nailed him to the cross...

Now can you top that?:lol:
i live in the area where america was born so... no. i cant...
yes and i hate the religious aspect; everyone tries to convert everyone else. it's almost like a religious civil war.

oh the irony!

but i do love the other history i am surrounded by... most of the major steps to found the USA took place around or very close to where i live...
depends what you mean...

the Amish and some of the Menonite Communities still speak Althochdeutsch...

most everyone else speaks english to some degree, with the hillbillies having their own dialects than everyone else...
Oh Althochdeutsch - we have to do this in the basic course for German Studies...awful and useless, as nobody speaks it anymore. We have some Mormon exchange students here that are busy converting students to their shit.

What has stuck to my mind mostly when I learned about the Amish is their problem with incest and children's dolls that are not to have faces, because you shall not create and image of God.

well there's 1.6 bilion people besides the amish who do that... (aka the Muslims)...

but yeah mormons are annoying with their conversion attempts.

on thursday we had some weird religious guy who looks like John Kerry (of the 2004 Election) at school trying to get people to talk to him. he came last year as well. anyways he has volunteers who try to dress up as students and it's kind of scary. anyways one of them asked me if i was on my way to heaven and i said 'nope, i'm on my way to class.' and kept going.
:lol: I take it like Nero usually: Christians to the lions. I have a neighbour though who is the member of a kind of Christian sect. They act like hippies, singing songs together, embracing and kissing...I'm sure they are heaviliy into promiscuity to demonstrate their freedom with god and protest against Catholic values - maybe they got that above saying wrong and understood it as "Christians to the lie-ins".

The other day, one of their children almost got hit by a car. Asked why he had not been more attentive by some bystanders, the boy answered: "God wanted it this way."...oh let it rain some brains!