Any one going to Ensiferum at the Jaxx?


Chief Conti
Jan 21, 2006
Cause my band is playing so I gotz the cheaps tickets. Let me know.
my band is opening an Ensiferum/Hypocrisy show at a Club in VA called the Jaxx and I can give people cheaper tickets and it helps our band.
lol, apparantly we're the first show so we're techniqually opening up the whole tour.
ah why not? And alright sweet steve. Also Apothys is playing and they are kick ass. This gig won't have shitty local fillers, unless you don't like us haha.
sure, we did a few recordings with midi drum and bass. I honestly think the song sounds stale in this format but this should give you an idea. No vocals yet, we should have them recorded today.

I'm only listening to it because of the awesome name! :lol:
I just imagine a Praying Mantis on a skateboard, with bright flashy cloths and sunglasses, spray painting "Obey The Rules" all over the place.
Is this where you took the name from?



One of hell's 3 judges? :p