Any Opinions on this?


I love run on sentences
Feb 11, 2002
Murray, Ut
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What do you guys think of the project involving Sean Malone, Jim Matheos, Mike Portnoy, and Kevin Moore? Me, personally, I'm stoked anytime Malone is involved with anything. Opinions?
Not to be a dick or anything here... but, I cant be the only one who's getting tired of seeing these "prog-metal supergroups" keep forming every 5 fucking seconds. A few years back it was all the "black metal supergroups", and now it's all prog. Dont get me wrong, each of them excels far beyond the norm in their respective field... but I think it's going to just be Fates Warning/Gordian Knot rehash.

I COULD be wrong, and I seriously fucking hope I am... because there's just way too many prog-metal side projects these days, I think. And Michael Romeo unfortuneately isnt involved in many of them at all.. and if anybody should...........

What about the heavy/melodic shit? Dimension Zero, anyone?

I can see your point, J...but I really like prog so I'm not yet sick of the "supergroups". Maybe when a couple hundred more come out :)

I know I've heard Dimension Zero before but I can't remember what they sound like. Perhaps I'll check 'em out again.

Oh, and I agree, Romeo should be involved in more; he kicks ass.
What I'm getting sick of is the prog/supergroup that is thrown in the studio for a week just to "see what comes out". This project on the other hand is strictly Matheos's baby, so I'm hoping it will have some good compositions and not 26 minutes of improvised blowing.
Geez, everyone is so quick to shoot this project down... Every message board I go to seems to bash these groups...

Personally, I can't think of any project Mike Portnoy was involved in that I didn't like (Liquid Tension = !!!). I think Kevin Moore is a great songwriter and lyric writer (I know he's singing for this group, I'm not sure if he got to write the lyrics...). Sean Malone needs no praise from me...

The only thing that has me worried about the results is Matheos. I'm not a fan of Fate's Warning at all... but I'm not going to even TRY to predict what style of music that he's gonna write... based on his chosen lineup alone, I'm giving him a chance.
Well, I like old Fates Warning.. and Mark Zonder has always been a decent influence on me.....

and I love Spiral Architect, and Cynic, and all the like... but I seriously am tired of just seeing rehashes of this similar shit. Transatlantic, LTE, whatever you wanna call it.. Im sure Steve could chime in and tell you all to listen to Ozric Tentacles and the like... at least that's a different vibe of prog =)

Originally posted by J the TyranT
Well, I like old Fates Warning.. and Mark Zonder has always been a decent influence on me.....J

Hey dude, the 'new' Warlord is fuckin great!! Much better than those Rhapsody clones over there, I am really sick, powermetal is full of clones, Sonata Arctica, Insania, and all that crap... But there are great bands, like Rhapsody, Warlord...
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, J. Gordian Knot and Chroma Key aren't particularly progressive, and now with Kevin Moore doing the vocals, whose to say this project will be that technical either. Look at 'Away with Words', it had Matheos, Zonder and Manring. Either way, I'm pretty excited about it. And what if it does sound like "Gordian Knot rehash"? It's really not a bad thing. What else out there sounds like that anyway?...And btw, I've heard there will be a 26 minute song on the CD.