Anyone Else Feel Like This Forum has .....


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Anyone else feel like this forum has just become a place for the average kid with a cracked daw to try and get "Kick ass tonez" by posting a "contest" and saying there's a paid job out of it?

The Rate my mix / tone thread has the perfect example of this, and I think James hit the nail on the head with it when he told them to fuck off in the nicest way I have ever seen in my life

Shit is really getting out of hand. I think we may need to petition Lasse and Andy for some new rules pertaining to the "contests" and the "mix my shit" threads. I really wonder how many of these mixes end up on a bands CD and the person who mixed it didn't get paid for it.... probably pretty high amount I would think.

you already know my opinion... ;)

despite that, i have no problem with it as a practical matter... i just see the potential for abuse, as well as other down-sides, and they seem to outweigh some of the possible benefits. i'm sure lots of members enjoy the practice tracks however, so i'm not sure i would propose any ban as yet.

definitely all for more transparency and ethical conduct though.
Ya its pretty fucked up some people would stoop that low. I mean seriously, I am not "known" by any means BUT I do expect get paid for my work if I do something. Of course I have friends that I do shit for free when bored or looking to just practice. But the whole "contest" idea needs to be put to bed. Especially when they post an entire fucking album of shit!

You want to post 1 song fine, I dont see a problem. You want to post an entire album, then GTFO!
You're fucking kidding me, right?

i think Guru just isn't being really clear.. he seems to only really be against people taking unfair advantage, and i'm sure you're not against that concept Jeff... he just didn't word it very well i think.

it's all about transparency in the end.... like when tracks are posted, mixes are submitted... and then no one hears from the OP for some time.... shit like that is what i'm sure has spurred the backlash.

ethical behavior and transparency will go a long way towards nipping this in the bud as an "issue"

I think a 'Job offers' sub-forum would help segment this from the general body of the forum, so those who don't care for it don't have to see it. The guys who generally lend themselves as available to such things can proceed to scour the sub-forum and keep all the 'paid' mix contests there. This doesn't necessarily help facilitate transparency, but it does separate it from the general grind around here, so if you take issue with it you can just never go there :)
i think Guru just isn't being really clear.. he seems to only really be against people taking unfair advantage, and i'm sure you're not against that concept Jeff... he just didn't word it very well i think.

it's all about transparency in the end.... like when tracks are posted, mixes are submitted... and then no one hears from the OP for some time.... shit like that is what i'm sure has spurred the backlash.

ethical behavior and transparency will go a long way towards nipping this in the bud as an "issue"


Jeff was actually posting with another thread in mind when he came over here.
I think a 'Job offers' sub-forum would help segment this from the general body of the forum, so those who don't care for it don't have to see it. The guys who generally lend themselves as available to such things can proceed to scour the sub-forum and keep all the 'paid' mix contests there. This doesn't necessarily help facilitate transparency, but it does separate it from the general grind around here, so if you take issue with it you can just never go there :)

This is an idea for sure, but as James stated its really the ones where guys come in, post their entire CD of shit and expect you to polish a turd for free that really gets to me. If at the end of the day someone is getting paid for their work I dont see an issue with it.
i think Guru just isn't being really clear.. he seems to only really be against people taking unfair advantage, and i'm sure you're not against that concept Jeff... he just didn't word it very well i think.

While I am against that concept and agree with you, James...

Jeff was actually posting with another thread in mind when he came over here.

And while this is a fair, but wrong, assumption, my post was one in awe of Guru's sense of entitlement, since his name very nearly tops my list of "things wrong with this forum" when compared to mix contests.
This is an idea for sure, but as James stated its really the ones where guys come in, post their entire CD of shit and expect you to polish a turd for free that really gets to me. If at the end of the day someone is getting paid for their work I dont see an issue with it.

You're not going to stop that from happening. More so, you're not going to stop people taking the bands up on those offers either. Some of the kids are desperate for work. It's cut-throat shit out there.

All you can do is separate it with the notion 'out of sight, out of mind', and sufficiently prefix the sub-forum with enough 'READ HERE: HOW TO AVOID GETTING SCAMMED!' and 'ANDY CANT BE HELD LIABLE FOR YOUR STUPIDITY!' type stickies.
And while this is a fair, but wrong, assumption, my post was one in awe of Guru's sense of entitlement, since his name very nearly tops my list of "things wrong with this forum" when compared to mix contests.

I appreciate your honesty, and I would say yes some of my past actions in this forum would definitely warrant that kind of response. But I really don't feel it has to do with a sense of "entitlement". Now if my "reputation" is something that grants me the right to post on such a subject or not is a pointless argument. Just cause you feel I am a problem around here doesnt make it so.... I have been a dick for sure, but recently have tried to stay away from the petty bullshit and arguments. I have just as much a right to post here as anyone else does.

Ok so back on topic ....Plain and simple people being taken advantage of is fucked up. To me the 2 arguments are not even on the same topic. This one is just being taken advantage of and having your work stolen. its not about a price war, or who's work is better.
I have just as much a right to post here as anyone else does.

Then those other people have just as much of a right to post what they want.

How to not get work stolen: Don't put up the whole song, or put a ton of annoying ass edits or beeps so they can't put it on their myspace without paying. Doesn't take a high school diploma to figure that one out.

It's mostly all in good fun, and if someone is dumb enough to trust other people on the internet so freely then they need a reality check.
I am not saying put an end to it completely. I am saying we need to have some more defined rules as to how these threads get "handled". If you look at the "rate my mix" section. There is a guy who thought it would be cool to post his entire CD to be mastered, are you going to sit here and tell me his intention isn't to get it done free? You think someone is actually going to get paid out of that deal?

Mix practice files, and things of that nature are fine, I just think we need to find a way to regulate or moderate those assholes who are here to purely take advantage of someones kindness / naivety or what ever you want to call it.
So 4 years on a forum and over 2,000 posts doesn't make you a veteran of that forum... Oh i forgot in order to be taken seriously around here you need to spend money billions of dollars on gear, and do this for a living. I get it ...not

So get back on topic, or gtfo. Choice is yours. YOU are the one turning this thread into a flame fest.