anyone ever.........

I have unintentionally trained myself to not be able to sleep without some kind of constant noise going into my ears. The scilence is unbearable now. So, I listen to music EVERY night before I go to sleep. An interesting story-

I had a joke song with my band called "Ribrape". It was grindcore song that we made as absolutely brutal as possible. So I put this CD into my player and set it for my wakeup call to play the first track. I thought it was a Mahavishnu Orchestra CD.. but I had put in this mix CD with Ribrape as the first tune. Ever had some brutal ass grindcore wake you up in the morning and scare you half to death? Its fucked up.
i always have music on while i'm sleeping.. it calms me down :) it's the coolest thing to wake up to a really good song - sets me in a good mood for the rest of the day!
I prefer to fall asleep to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
The best Borkie cd to fall asleep to IMO is The Archaic Course...the songs are....more relaxing...mellow almost
I have to be careful not to play the same albums every night when going to sleep, or my mind starts to associate those albums with sleeping. Then when I'm listening to the same album in my car, I start getting sleepy while I'm driving!
My wife thinks I'm nuts. If I'm having trouble sleeping, Borknagar, Opeth, and Immortal for some reason make me sleep like a little baby. Same thing happens with DVDs---Iron Maiden, Megadeth, and Opeth DVDs induce a deep slumber.
There are these sleeps, when you are half awake, half dreaming, when you know in the back of the mind that where you are physically, but it sort of blurs with sleeping and dreaming. And listening to music in this state of mind really enhances the whole thing (note: I dont talk about using legal or illegal substances, only music!) Apart from Bork, I find Bathory - Twilight and Arcturus - Sham mirrors to be suitable for this experience...

Funny thing is that when I have a massive alcohol consuption an evening / night and if I got serious hangover next day, while trying to sleep it out I experience most of this semi-conscious mindsets. :D
I had a teacher who once told me that listening to music while doing homework actually helps since your hearing the music rather than all the other distracting noises taking place around you. I guess it could work for sleeping as well. It also helps if you are stressed out, rather than dwelling on what is stressing you, your listening to the music.
(BTW: The Chaos Path is sung by Vortex :) hes also does backing vocals on two other songs off of that album)