Apogee Rosetta 200 vs API A2D?


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
I recenlty posted a question about by-passing AD converter on my digi 003 which went moderately well but i didn't quiet get there because I didn't ask the right question (-1 to me). Anyway, as a result, I'm going to save my runes and buy what will hopefully be a converter that I can have for a very long time.

So, between the Apogee Rosetta 200 and the API A2D, does either one of these stand out from the other? I'm leaning strongly towards the API because it has instrument inputs on the front so I can eliminate a DI box but I like the Apogee because it does D>A for monitoring.
I recenlty posted a question about by-passing AD converter on my digi 003 which went moderately well but i didn't quiet get there because I didn't ask the right question (-1 to me). Anyway, as a result, I'm going to save my runes and buy what will hopefully be a converter that I can have for a very long time.

So, between the Apogee Rosetta 200 and the API A2D, does either one of these stand out from the other? I'm leaning strongly towards the API because it has instrument inputs on the front so I can eliminate a DI box but I like the Apogee because it does D>A for monitoring.

get the api. You won't be able to tell the difference between the converters of the apogee or the api, and with the api you get pres so there you go.
Yes the pres. Definitely one thing I left off my list of pros. The instrument input still goes through the pres right? I'm assuming this colours the sound in some way, is that a problem for recording DI guitars?

Is the analogue output simply the output of the pre before it hits the AD? That's cool because it means I have an awesome pre I can use in the future if for what ever reason the AD is not required.

Sorry for all the noob questions, it's a lot of money and I don't want to get it wrong.

A2D for sure - awesome preamps and 2 channels of top notch A/D, i don't think you'll ever outgrow the latter. but yes it does have a direct output. i think i actually prefer the API's A/D over the A/D in my neve 1073dpd actually.

not sure about the instrument input going through the pre, but the A2D can be pretty transparent if you dont push the pre too hard so it's not really a problem i guess