Are you guys NOT ready aka "The (obviously bad) excuses for skipping PP IX thread"


Yes,they call me Aki too.
Jul 18, 2002
Helsinki, Finland
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Like last year, I figured it could be cool to have one (pathetic) thread for the unlucky folks not making it to Atlanta.

Just sincerely wanting to wish everyone going a safe trip to ATL and to have the best few days of the year as always at PP! :kickass: So this thread could act as a thread where us losers who are skipping the fest can share our excuses for not making it and to wish whoever is going a fun fest.

My lame reason is probably the same as with 90% of the others skipping, lack of funds - this time because of unemployment. But next year should be a lot better: the masterplan is to graduate in November & get a decent paying job to have money to save from (of course the only criteria for the job is to be able to make it to PP every year!).. Yeah yeah, I know I said basically the same last year, sorry :p But no way in hell I could skip more than 2 PPs in a row, missing hanging out with you all way too much already.
You know, Aki, you could always host a weekly IRC chat session and try to keep in contact with everyone that way... hmmmmmm. It seems I remember seeing something like that a couple years ago. :lol:

Sorry you won't be there (and also wish to say "sorry" for not participating in the Sunday chats in a LONG time) and hopefully next year we'll see you in Atlanta.
This will be the 2nd year in a row I missed :( I am going to be on the edge of my seat for the PPX announcement. I had too many other travel plans around this summer/fall (family-related) to squeeze in this one and still stay on top of work. I should be thankful that I can even hold onto a steady job given the way things are moving these days.
Well, I'm missing Friday and Saturday thanks to a trade show I have to be at in MOBILE-FUCKING-ALABAMA. Ugghh! :bah:

At least I'll be there Wednesday and Thursday for the shows, then driving out Friday morning at the asscrack of dawn. The rest of my usual crew won't be making ANY of the festivities this year--the first year we've missed since PPIII.

But we still co-sponsored Iron Savior, dammit! :kickass:
Even thinking about PP3 and how I wasn't there hurts. IT HURTS!!

Does anyone who was there have any dim memory of seeing a strange old guy totally flipping out? Because that was me. Thing is, I'm 25 years old right now and I haven't been to PP3 yet. However, in about 35 years when a fully functioning time machine is at my disposal, PP3 will be my first destination for sure! Where I will promptly freak out for the whole weekend. So if you remember seeing a weird old guy totally spazzing, it was me....thirty-five years from now.
I feel for you. I came thisclose to missing this year. There was one of those 'important family functions' going on and luckily it was this past weekend. I know that sooner or later one of those things will line up on PP weekend, but I'm crossing my fingers until that day.

Steve in Philly
Even thinking about PP3 and how I wasn't there hurts. IT HURTS!!

Does anyone who was there have any dim memory of seeing a strange old guy totally flipping out? Because that was me. Thing is, I'm 25 years old right now and I haven't been to PP3 yet. However, in about 35 years when a fully functioning time machine is at my disposal, PP3 will be my first destination for sure! Where I will promptly freak out for the whole weekend. So if you remember seeing a weird old guy totally spazzing, it was me....thirty-five years from now.

I hear you, though I missed PP4 and not 3. I will be the guy going nuts at PP4 thirty five years from now, five years ago.
I will probably miss it... I've been traveling too much, can't take that many days off from work.. I MIGHT still go.... still considerig leaving really early friday morning (it's about a 10 hour ride for me).... Let's see :p
I'm in shock and disbelief that I have to add myself to this thread.

I never thought I'd be missing a ProgPower, let alone one with Gamma Ray and Iced Earth. I've been waiting since III to see GR again. And IE with Barlow is the stuff my dreams are made of. Everyone knows how much I've been begging to see Spheric Universe Experience for almost two years now. And Andromeda single-handedly got me to pay attention to power metal in college. The other bands I could see again, this is likely the only time I'd get to see Andromeda.

I really don't know how I'm going to get through this weekend. On top of it all, this weekend my favorite artist is holding a panel discussion with his staff in NYC to reveal his U.S. tour plans for 2009, along with a screening of an unreleased concert and opportunity to buy limited edition merchandise. Instead, I'll be sitting in my bedroom, sulking.

Everything was taken care of, paid for, and arranged. All it came down to was a simple dentist visit turning into a big deal, and it wiped out my funds for a plane ticket. I couldn't have gotten closer unless I was there and lost my badge. Until last week, I had no doubt in my mind that I was going.

I will probably miss it... I've been traveling too much, can't take that many days off from work.. I MIGHT still go.... still considerig leaving really early friday morning (it's about a 10 hour ride for me).... Let's see :p

Punkass, you BETTER be there. You said you'd show up as long as it didn't conflict with a DMB concert. :lol:

I'm in shock and disbelief that I have to add myself to this thread.

This is a huge bummer. It's not a party without you Tam! Get well soon.
Add me to the list of folks that can't go this year. Usually its one factor that is trying to prevent me from going every year. Most times I'm able to overcome them but this year there were just too many. Plus I don't think I would be healthy enough to physically get through it this year so its best I stay home.
Like last year, I figured it could be cool to have one (pathetic) thread for the unlucky folks not making it to Atlanta.

Just sincerely wanting to wish everyone going a safe trip to ATL and to have the best few days of the year as always at PP! :kickass: So this thread could act as a thread where us losers who are skipping the fest can share our excuses for not making it and to wish whoever is going a fun fest.

My lame reason is probably the same as with 90% of the others skipping, lack of funds - this time because of unemployment. But next year should be a lot better: the masterplan is to graduate in November & get a decent paying job to have money to save from (of course the only criteria for the job is to be able to make it to PP every year!).. Yeah yeah, I know I said basically the same last year, sorry :p But no way in hell I could skip more than 2 PPs in a row, missing hanging out with you all way too much already.

How's that thesis coming? :lol:
I am on the list on non attendees for this year. AND I AM TRULY HATING IT. This would be the night I would be packing getting ready to fly out. Lack of funds is my reason. Had to upgrade the car. I plan on being there next year though for PP 10. I may have to spend the weekend at the Rainbow and Bar Sinister to make up for it (you know the drinking, crowd of people, long hair men and being around loud music). What sucks is I don't think there are any cool shows in L.A. this weekend to boot! :)

Hopefully those of us not there will be here online. So, what is everyone else doing this weekend??

Oh, Have fun everyone who is attending this year. Safe flights and road trips. Have a drink for me!!! Is there a corset night this year?? If so, girls ROCK THOSE CORSETS!!
I'm still upset that I can't make it, even though I've known for a few months now. The funds are just NOT there this year. But perhaps it's better I found out I couldn't go that way than having to use the other reason. My dad just had a brain tumor removed. He's absolutely fine now, but they've got him on so much medication I think I'd be too scared to leave him up here for a few days by himself since he doesn't have any other family closer than New Jersey. But I'll be there in spirit, and definitely will join you all next year!