ARIES- Amazing Powerful Metal from Baltimore!


Your option out of here
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD
These guys kick so much ass. I think some folks here might really dig them. Vocalist Rob Bradley is one of the best vocalists around these days. Hope the sound quality on the live one is ok.

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you cannot use Iframe on this forum. copy the weblink and put it between url in brackets and then at the end put /url in brackets. [ ] if that makes sense. i cannot put the url in brackets or else it thinks i am coding.
Do this: Type in [][]
Put YOUTUBE between the first set of brackets
Put /YOUTUBE between the second set of brackets
Grab the unique video identifier (i.e. dhUMCPakrHM for your first video) and put it in between the sets of brackets. To center, then "Go Advanced", highlight the whole text and select the "Align Center" button.

The "Preview Post" should tell you if you're doing it right before you actually submit....but don't forget to actually submit.