ARISE records


Sep 17, 2001
[lower austria]
i just went thru the band list of theirs and downloaded quite some of the mp3 samples and all i heard was freaky power metal :loco:

how does skyfire fit into there? (I think the only non-power-metal band was Asperity? ) will Arise send you (Skyfire) on tour perhaps? and if yes...... with a bunch of high pitch vocalists? :dopey:

eeehh........ ok, let's leave the high-pitched part out :D :oops: ;)
High pitched or not, I'm sure everyone, like you and I, would pay anything and sit through anything to see Skyfire play a live show :kickass:

Great question as well.
Some of them have some decent stuff. And Skyfire brings some diversity to their label. That might be an advantage to Skyfire, Arise will want to promote them more to grasp fans of heavier stuff than the rest of their bands.
ShadowOfFire said:
High pitched or not, I'm sure everyone, like you and I, would pay anything and sit through anything to see Skyfire play a live show :kickass:

Great question as well.
i agree with this lol. I'd sit through Limp Bizkit to watch Skyfire, I dont give a damn lol.

Besides, I like power metal :p
Fairy land??? what the hell. well I wont judge a book by its cover, perhaps they are good :Smokedev: any way, I didn't think skyfire could play live with the guitarists doing the keyboards and stuff... but man it would Be FOOKIN awesome to see em in the flesh. Arise better send em over here (UK) ;)
Fairyland ain't bad. They have the ex-vocalist of Dark Moor (who kicks major arse, just ask Gums...) and some pretty decent power metal.
HEY HEY HEY, calm down now lads... Yep I love power metal... but fairy land is going too far with the name, I mean like I said I wont judge but to me that is, not to sound biggotted, Gay land. Maybe its just within the leeds sociolect but we call Homosexuals Fairies:Smokedev:... you do the math, but yeah POWER METAL RULES! (but is slightly homo-erotic:))

It must be pretty wierd pre recording the keyboard parts and playing, It must take some hefty equipment to pull that one off live.
Final_Vision said:
i agree with this lol. I'd sit through Limp Bizkit to watch Skyfire, I dont give a damn lol.

Besides, I like power metal :p

Haha, I second this. I sat through Limp Bizkit to see Metallica, and while they were horrible, I realized that it was all worth it once Metallica came out and blasted into "Battery." It ruled.
SpiritCrusherX said:
Haha, I second this. I sat through Limp Bizkit to see Metallica, and while they were horrible, I realized that it was all worth it once Metallica came out and blasted into "Battery." It ruled.

I would have chucked sharp metal objects and heavy blunt objects at Fred Durst.
lol, although not as extreme, someone was seriously an inch away from hitting him with a football. Even though it wasn't a sharp metal object that would've caused harm, it still would've been awesome to see him get hit with a football. Whoever threw that had great aim! They missed him by a fuckin' hair.

God I hate Limp Bizkit.
SpiritCrusherX said:
lol, although not as extreme, someone was seriously an inch away from hitting him with a football. Even though it wasn't a sharp metal object that would've caused harm, it still would've been awesome to see him get hit with a football. Whoever threw that had great aim! They missed him by a fuckin' hair.

God I hate Limp Bizkit.

Funny stuff :lol: