ask Dr. Jake...

Originally posted by deadair
The questions may be about anything... because i am so smart and know all there is to know about most subjects.
i'm here to help

well... then i believe i have multiple reasons for which to file a malpractice suit.

well, i can tell you that the path to true enlightenment and happiness is not on the internet you fag. i would suggest that you first worry about getting a real life before you start contemplating why you are here and what your purpose is.

see, here is the thing... i KNOW what the true path is, but, i don't feel you are ready to hear it. i think you need to be better adjusted to real life before i tell you... i think we would run the risk of your head exploding. and no one wants that on their hands.

thank you.
Originally posted by xfer
Dr. Jake, why isn't fire considered alive? It fulfills all the traits of life...movement, consumes to produce energy, etc.

well, you see alex, it's a complicated question... i've been doing a lot or research on this over the past three years. here are my findings.

1)you're a fag for asking this gay ass question.

2)in my tests, when i lit shit on fire... it would end up killing whatever i set on fire. therefor... that shit is wack.

3)it is alive... fuck science in the ass... hard

hope that answers your question.

thank you.