Atoma - Skylight (Atmospheric Metal)


Feb 11, 2002
Just recently ran across these guys and absolutely love what I've heard. The comparisons I've heard are to Anathema, though I tend to heard some Katatonia influence from time to time. They are from Sweden and their CD is supposed to be released thru Napalm Records if it hasn't been already.

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I like this album, they do a really cool job of blending some of my favorite genres, it just hasn't clicked completely yet.

It's actually ranked #37 on Rate Your Music's top albums of 2012 so far, that's pretty good for a prog metal album.
Yeah, Atoma is awesome. A friend played this for me a few months back & I really like it. One (maybe more) of Atoma's members are also in a band called Pigeonfoot or Pigeontoe or something like that, and thier disc was also really cool.
WHat a beautiful song and fantastic video. This is the last song on the CD to give you an idea of how good this is. This is why this release is my #1 CD so far for 2012. PS. The video is even cooler when watched on youtube in HD on full screen.


Just picked this up and I am hooked after the first listen. Majestic, beautiful and dreamy all at the same time. If you like "Deeper Kind of Slumber" era Tiamat, mixed with Riverside, Anathema, shoegaze, 80's new wave pop, electronica, and new age music all wrapped up in a neat, tidy and mesmerizing package, Skylight by Atoma is for you. :worship:
I just got the Atoma album recently after sitting on my to buy list for a while. Such an outstanding album. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more press than it has (or maybe I just haven't seen the press). I don't think there's a bad song on the album.
WHat a beautiful song and fantastic video. This is the last song on the CD to give you an idea of how good this is. This is why this release is my #1 CD so far for 2012. PS. The video is even cooler when watched on youtube in HD on full screen.
Holy motherfucking Christ this song and video has turned me into a pile of mush(and in a good way)
I hate being late for the party but better late than never...
Just grabbed this on I tunes...and this now delays my best of 2012 list because there is a high probability this is my CD of the year..

And I will also add I hear a bit of Opeth in this as well(the title track)with the growlies)
Of note, but probably not for everyone - these guys originally put out imo one of the best doom records ever released under the name Slumber back in 2004 or so:

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I am not feeling Slumber so much right now ..I will probably go back and check them out
later as IMO while the music is indeed good,its nowhere near as dynamic and beautiful sounding as AtomA
I am not feeling Slumber so much right now ..I will probably go back and check them out
later as IMO while the music is indeed good,its nowhere near as dynamic and beautiful sounding as AtomA

Yeah, actually the Atoma record was supposed to be released under the Slumber moniker, but the guitarist Jari wanted more of a metal record and less post-rock/ambient rock and Ehsan the keyboardist wanted more of the latter so Jari left the band and they changed the name to Atoma. They are very different bands, but they share some distinct similarities, and imo both records are very good.