attention people OUTSIDE of the USA

The military is the military, it's not normal society. That's why when you leave it you're a civillian again.

I disagree... the military is just an organization providing a service, and its members are a part of the society just like any employee of any other organization of this world.
So, the military has to follow the laws of its country. I believe that discrimination against homosexual people is against the law; so if this military rule may cause discrimination, it should be changed. If there was a similar rule in a company or a school, for example, everyone would think it is wrong and offensive.


PS Please forgive any mistakes I might have.
Sounds like the opinion of someone who has never served in the military.

It is.

You know....?...I hate when the military says that the civilians should not interfere with/bother them. Because the Argentinian military wasn't separated enough from normal society to overtrow the democratic goverments 6 times in 36 years and kidnap, torture, murder, and make disappear 30000 people, 97.5% of them being civilians(*). Then we have to stand how the leaders of the 'Proceso' demand to be judged by fellow comrades that would release them or send them to very comfortable 'prisons' for only a couple of years.
(Also, they did a lot of things wrong in the political and economic fields. We are still suffering the consequences of those decisions.)
And I honestly don't dislike the military. The military is completely necessary, and I truly admire the ones who join. I just don't like the way some of the superior officers of our military seem to think.

~~Back on topic.

Maybe I should have added in my first posts that I really doubt that a 'flamingly' gay person would ever join the military and show it off to everyone there. My concern would go to those people who act no different than straight people, and would be discriminated just because they are homosexuals and they might have unapropiate conducts like trying to hit on a partner. If you see it like this, then also woman should be banned from the military because 'things can happen'. And what about lesbians? Should they be considered a better choice than straight woman because they won't be too friendly with male colleagues or they should be rejected for not being 'normal'?
I can understand why the military is completely against 'flamingly gay' behaviour but as long as the person keeps it for himself/herself, I can't see the problem.
You seem to be in the military, so maybe you can help me see it. :)

PS> No sarcasm in this post, and I do not mean to offend you. I am just trying to explain my point of view.

(*)Some of them were part of the Montoneros guerrilla, true, but terrorism and torture is not the way to handle terrorism.
To let this clear, most of the Montoneros that were kidnapped were just what you can call 'useful idiots' or 'tools' for the bosses and their goals, and victims of all the mess that our country was at the time..... same with the poor young military applicants that were indoctrinated with disgusting fascist ideas and sucked into the 'Task Groups' aka kidnappers.
The military is supposed to be used for external threats, not internal threatening/control.

Regardless, the very mission of the military makes it stupid to have either gays or women in the military, and I say this while married to a woman still in the military.
I know that. That's what I meant with 'service' in my post.

(Btw, USA has a pretty interesting concept of 'external threats'.... for example the USA government supported and helped all the Latin American dictatorships of the 70s, and they knew exactly what our military was doing. But let's just leave it here..... It is completely unrelated to the main topic, and it would be pointless to argue about it.)

But WHY? What is the very mission of the military? the concept of 'external threat' is very blurry and I can't see why women and gays can't join.
Oh the US has been destabilizing weak governments for decades, and it's going to come back on us eventually.

But back to the gays and women thing. Besides the fact the the few gays I met in the military and nearly all the women were mentally and/or physically capable of the rigors of military life, the potential for sexual tensions and relationships cause numerous problems in the units where there is a mixture.

Within a month of being deployed we alredy had two pregnant women and in need of being sent home, and guys fighting over the ones left, which was pretty stupid because most of the girls were more than happy with multiple servicings.
Oh the US has been destabilizing weak governments for decades, and it's going to come back on us eventually.

But back to the gays and women thing. Besides the fact the the few gays I met in the military and nearly all the women were mentally and/or physically capable of the rigors of military life, the potential for sexual tensions and relationships cause numerous problems in the units where there is a mixture.

Within a month of being deployed we alredy had two pregnant women and in need of being sent home, and guys fighting over the ones left, which was pretty stupid because most of the girls were more than happy with multiple servicings.

(LOL. The worse part is that, if it actually happened, the northamerican people would be suffering and paying the price, while the rich/the leaders hide in another country.)

Holy shit. :eek:

It makes a lot more sense now. And makes the whole deal a lot more complex ...

I'll leave this thread, I am undecided now.... :confused:
At the risk of being regarded a 'bleeding liberal' by some, yeah, the repealing of DADT was basically one of the raw steaks the American government so desperately needed to toss the salivating hounds of Western Europe. Not to mention the countless men and women perfectly able to serve their country but fearing to do so because of repercussions based on something so inconsequential as their sexual preferences.

To make this clearer: It should not matter if you crave cock or puss, so long as you do what is demanded of you. All else is discrimination.