
Aug 12, 2003
NJ, usa
dude, this is honestly fucking pathetic what these assholes are doing to our forum..look at the front page..and most of the 2nd's horseshit. I would say half of the OP's of these shit threads are either newbs, or just asshole strying to be funny. can you please talk to a mod..or take some power and do sokmething..i know the other regulars are with me on this. over the last month this forum has turned to utter dog shit, because of the aforementioned type of "people." thanks dude.
I told ya this would happen Mr. D. And it'd not just a case of having a mod in place... it's a question of what the mod can do. Since Moonlapse was all for the removal of the on topic only rule, he can't be a hypocrite and start deleting all the o/t threads. Who's to draw the line?
Omg, I didn't know this stupid guy would do such a thing!
I was reading some threads and definitely he needs to be ban and carry his sorry fucking ass outta here quickly.
Moonlapse, leave the party and come back!!
Décadent said:
I told ya this would happen Mr. D. And it'd not just a case of having a mod in place... it's a question of what the mod can do. Since Moonlapse was all for the removal of the on topic only rule, he can't be a hypocrite and start deleting all the o/t threads. Who's to draw the line?

Guys, Nick has it nailed pretty well here.

Whilst I do sympathise with you guys and agree I do have to be even-handed in terms of deletions and locks. I can't lock or delete something simply because a group of people tell me to, or because I might want to. That defeats the purpose of moderation.

However earlier on today I spoke with MetalAges and he banned two of the offending members. This is the only way I can see to go through this process.

If you guys can isolate individual members on the forum who cause problems... message MetalAges about it. I have NO power to ban people so I can't help you in that regards. I can forward a list of individuals to watch to MetalAges though. That's about the extent of my power on here.

Hope you guys understand.
If I was a moderator, I would delete any single thread in this forum, and if I was I would really delete every single bit not having to do with Opeth, every single post. Now I understand what they meant when they deleted the off-topic. I was new then and I thought that was too strict. There's been like two months that it has worked pretty fine with a bit of off-topic. Now that the new album is approaching this forum is getting way too many trolls; and I think Moonlapse needs SPECIFIC rules. This means: Moonlapse, delete everything not having to do with Opeth!
The thought has crossed my mind, believe me. But all that would result in is everybody leaving the forum again... old members with the new. I really don't want a sterile board environment such as we had when I first got appointed.

Anyhow, I've just deleted all of Allan's threads and reffered him to MetalAges so we'll see what can come of this.

I'm sorry I wasn't here to take care of all this but unfortunately I do have a life and can't be on here 24/7.