Backing Tracks


Jun 25, 2007
If I was in a two piece black metal band with me playing guitar and the vocalist singing and playing guitar. We want to find a bass and a drummer but can't because you live in a small town and the two of us are the only ones that want to play live. Would it then be ok to use backing tracks live that sound like drums?
Thanks man I was worried about that for a while. People have mixed feelings about bands using backtracks. But I thought about using backing tracks to improvise.
I could be wrong I'm a huge kidneythieves and hanzel und gretyl fan and I think they use backing tracks. If you like rammstein you gotta check out hanzel und gretyl.
You can obviously do it regardless but I think unless the drums for the tracks are meant to sound pretty mechanical (e.g. Blut Aus Nord, Godflesh, etc.) it's probably gonna sound pretty shit. I'd be pretty fucking surprised if someone managed to get the same sorta results from something like Superior Drummer in a live situation as is possible in the studio.

Is the bass really necessary? Unless it's really important I'd just make do without it. I don't think bands like Inquisition or Bolzer would be improved much by having bass.