Backwards message at the beggining of multi-masking?


New Metal Member
Feb 13, 2005
Hi, I'm new to the forums, so let me introduce myself first. I'm 14, in 8th grade, I like a lot of prog rock/metal bands and have for a while. So my question is, in the beggining of multi-masking, it sounds as if there is a hidden message, but I don't have the correct program or knowledge of how to play it backwards. Could anyone please tell me if there is a backwards message and what it is? Thanks in advance.
OMG, like the real Ron? Haha thats so awesome, you guys are friggin amazing. :headbang: Haha awesome backwards message thats funny. Thanks a lot man. :p
That is one off the coolest ideas ever! Talking nothing but trash, and making it sound so serious! To be honest I thought this was some angry german dude talking! Way cooler now that I know what it is! I hope Spastic Ink come with a new release one off the coming years! I am an addict to the music they make! It's the best ever! Never thought anyone could play better than Dream Theater untill I heard these guys!! If you read this Bobby or Ron......... :headbang: I love what you have created and I dream off some day to have someone like me look up to me the same way I look up to you guys! :worship: