Band to check out!!! Divina Enema


...I am just thin air...
Jul 12, 2001
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Since no one is doing anything I thought I would talk about this band that I have really been into for a couple months. I think you should ALL check them out, they are truly amazing! Check them out at Here is a review that I wrote for my site....

Divina Enema- At the Conclave
2001 Eldritch Music

1. Gargoyles Ye Rose Aloft
2. Down Along the Roots
3. The Holy Holt
4. Nightmare
I. Hallowed be thy Dome
II. Under Lucifer's Udder
III. With Devil Forever
5. Holy Forever
6. The Darkest Hour

Reviewing this album was quite an undertaking, not only is it one of the most original things I have ever heard, but it is also one of the BEST things I have ever heard; so it was hard for me to select the best judgement for this album. I was first interested in this band by viewing a picture of an album cover on, and thought it was one of the best covers I have seen. Though this is bad judgement I decided to check them out; but to no avail. I was unable to find barely any information on this group, except for that they are a 4 piece from Russia performing one of the most unique things in metal, similar to Arcturus' La Masquerade Infernale. That description is reasonably fitting, but this band deserves so much more. Once I saw the CD on one of my favorite sites ( for 9 American Dollars, it was immediately in my shopping cart. When I got the CD my initial reaction was one of awe and EXTREME excitement; I have never felt this good about a new band discovery ever. The mix of multiple styles is just amazing, the talent is over top-notch, and the material is catchy as well as extremely emotional. I don't like to categorize groups but to give you an idea I would say that this band is a style I would like to call Black/Opera/Classical/Progressive/Death/Doom/Gothic/Epic Metal; quite a title. I don't want to give away too much of what they actually sound like just because I think if you really want to know you need to hear it, because it is indescribable by words. The music is full of atmosphere, emotion, multiple harmonies, and all of the other things we (or at least I) love. The main instrumentation is typical for metal (guitar, bass, drums, vocals); the vocals are sung in multiple styles that though may seem VERY unusual anywhere else, sound so good with this music that they have become nesecarry. He ranges from Death Growls, to Black screeches, to mid ranged Garm style clean vocals, then to the most unusual and suprising: VERY high falsetto (spelling?) vocals, almost like King Diamond. Also played on this album is a Cello, and Tenor Saxaphone which plays a small but very effective harmony in one of the songs; I only wish it was on the album more. Now for the lyrics: it is a concept album, and one of the most interesting ones I have ever seen. They are based off William Blake's works (This was told to me by a Russian friend of mine who translated some of the liner notes); they seem to be, as I read through them, about a dreamworld where a man goes on a spiritual journey of a religous nature. I am leaving quite a lot out of this review, because I believe that this album is best experienced yourself. This has become one of my top 5 favorite albums, and I believe it will stick like that for quite some time; it has ceased to bore me. There is literally nothing wrong with this album (though the book made of 44 pages is way too thick and dosnt even fit in the case); I ask for anyone that reads this review to try out this album. It requires a very open mind, so if that is a trait you don't posess you may want to hear some before you buy it, but to those willing to check it out, GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not express enough appreciation for this AMAZING piece of work!

Favored Tracks: ALL! But those that represent the album the best are Gargoyles Ye Rose Aloft, and Nightmare.

Score: 1000000000/10
I just bought it and it was only $7.00! Now I have to find some more because I just can't buy only one disc!

Enjoy the moment.....
hehhe ,, I love this band , I just have one thing to say ,,, the album cover that there is a part of a church or something ,, is stollen from another site I found on some yahoo picture page ,,it had the artist there and everything , anyway ,, I want this album for sure ,, it's awesome ,,
As the writer of one of those reviews I have to honestly state I felt like taking a shower after listening to that whole album. It is truly anti-music, and anyone who likes that stuff should have their head examined.
