bands like lamb of god


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2008
im pretty out of the metal loop as of the past few years. well really since pantera were around. i really dig lamb of god. what are some bands that are in the same vein?

any other newer band recomendations would be cool too. im into kill switch engage, mudvayne, pantera, six feet under, deicide, 80's classics like metallica, maiden, slayer, megadeth ect.
Pantere is the fuckin' best (of all-time).

Lamb of God kicks tons of ass too. One of my favorites. As for bands like them... I dunno. You should check out Despised Icon. The dorks on here will probably be like "durp" but don't listen to those dorks. ;) Also maybe check out Chimaira. And.. uh.. Dethklok.
I need something similar to LoG. Not sure I can recommend anything. They're actually pretty unique.
wow cool way to treat new members.

He probably didn't mean that, he's usually not an asshole. Usually everyone on here will be quick to talk poo about LoG, for some stupid reason everyone loves to hate them. I personally think it's just because they're popular.

As I always tell everyone who asks for this type, any thing from the Dallas/Fort Worth music scene. They and Pantera are worshiped like gods here, so there are quite a few imitators.

Specifically try
Within Chaos
The Destro
Stir the Silence

Not from here:
Devil Driver
A Life Once Lost

edit: You might also try Gojira... Their vocals aren't like LoG, but their musical style is similar and usually LoG fans tend to like them.

edit 2: Holy fuck, I forgot Napalm Death. Similar to early LoG, and BTP era stuff.
They might not sound exactly like Lamb of God, but the band Face Down would probably appeal to you.

I found a live video of one of their songs, but of course check out their myspace. The album The Will to Power is fantastic, and a very dark and aggressive one too.

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Scar Symmetry
new In Flames
Beyond The Embrace
Children Of Bodom
The Haunted
and two albums by SuidAkrA - Command To Charge, and Signs For The Fallen