Banner creation

Black Core

Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather
Jan 27, 2006
Gierle (Belgium)
I'm looking for someone that can create a banner for my forum since my last one disappeared for I have no idea what reason. :zombie: :ill:
I would do it myself but I have no idea how to begin at something like that.
The link for the forum is in my sig.
If you just want to explain how to do it that ok too :)
I use photoshop to make banners but they're not so great...I made 3 for my old bf2 clan. So if anyone can tell me what'd be better to use than photoshop, that'd be nice:)
Just check out my awesome photoshopping…..
Yeah probably...I can make banner but by taking pictures and edit them...But i'm not a pro though...I can't make something about of nothing..except thigns such as letters and written stuff...
I use Photoshop CS2 and can make you a banner if you'd like....It might take about a wekk, though. Just download PS CS2 and then crack it to the full version.... :D enjoy.
RockMyMonkey said:
I use Gimp (Graphic Image Manipulation Program) because it is a dumbed down version of Photoshop. So you can do the simple stuff way more easy.

Calling it a "Dumbed Down" version of photoshop is a bit harsh, it was originally made for Linux which isn't really the operating system of choice for graphical designers.

For making things from scratch, you can't go far wrong with GIMP or Fireworks. Adobe Illustrator is good but a little too over complicated in my opinion.