be gentle, its my first time.


New Metal Member
Sep 18, 2009
Please don't rip me apart, this is my first shot at recording anything with an amp sim! I usually just sm57 my peavey, but im tired of setting the thing up every time i record. So i just got Peavey revalver, and I think i did an alright job, considering its my first time. The drum samples are a couple a custom crashes, an aax china, and the andy sneap kick and snare. I'm pretty horrible at programming drums, so any suggestion there is useful as well.

Alsom there is this weird thing that revalver is doing. It makes like this little kinda white noise deal? You can hear it twice in the recording.

at the bottom it says "wait 50 second to download" wait that long and a link to download will show up.
really didnt come here to be mocked. I`m just a person looking to just start some simple home recording to get ideas down. I`ve been here for a couple days, and everyone here has literally helped me with NOTHING. i had 8505/7170 issues, and no one helped. i download a different program, and ask for some help with it, and than get ridiculed. Thanks a lot, the majority of the people here are complete jackasses.

P.S. I'm 16, i really cant afford to put down 300 bucks for a recording program, so excuse me if I don't think Peaveys going to feel the hit.
Link me to your other thread and I'll do my best to help out.

I'm 17 and I buy all my shit now, so don't pretend your not old enough to play by the rules, and at the very least don't advertise it. We aren't tolerent of cracked software on this board.

Buy it or use wagner sharp, solo c or 7505 with impulses, or gtfo.


I'm 17 and I buy all my shit now, so don't pretend your not old enough to play by the rules, and at the very least don't advertise it. We aren't tolerent of cracked software on this board.


I see that you're only 17, but that's no excuse to be a twat to the new people on this board.

Is it really that hard to be polite about it?
Oh come on brian, being a twat to new guys is a very addictive past-time! Haha :)
really didnt come here to be mocked. I`m just a person looking to just start some simple home recording to get ideas down. I`ve been here for a couple days, and everyone here has literally helped me with NOTHING. i had 8505/7170 issues, and no one helped. i download a different program, and ask for some help with it, and than get ridiculed. Thanks a lot, the majority of the people here are complete jackasses.

Steady on, thats not the way to make friends. I saw the other thread and plenty people tried their best to help you out and some even admitted to having had the same problem, what do you want? Miracles? It's a plugin developed by one dude on his own, its not gonna be perfect for everyone - be realistic.

You're also pretty much admitting to using cracked shit - assuming the trend with revalver here its pretty much a given your cubase is the same sx3 that everybody seems to pirate, which unless you've completely failed to guage the mood of the board ( is totally condemned. You got ridiculed because you failed to realise this - your problem - not anyone elses.

If you want an genuinely solid alternative to Nick Crow stuff then there's always the excellent Solo C by Le Pou:

Which is easily just as good.
Öwen;8562916 said:
Steady on, thats not the way to make friends. I saw the other thread and plenty people tried their best to help you out and some even admitted to having had the same problem, what do you want? Miracles? It's a plugin developed by one dude on his own, its not gonna be perfect for everyone - be realistic.

You're also pretty much admitting to using cracked shit - assuming the trend with revalver here its pretty much a given your cubase is the same sx3 that everybody seems to pirate, which unless you've completely failed to guage the mood of the board ( is totally condemned. You got ridiculed because you failed to realise this - your problem - not anyone elses.

If you want an genuinely solid alternative to Nick Crow stuff then there's always the excellent Solo C by Le Pou:

Which is easily just as good.

now that's the proper way to scold a noob imo haha
firm, informative, but not mean
really didnt come here to be mocked. I`m just a person looking to just start some simple home recording to get ideas down. I`ve been here for a couple days, and everyone here has literally helped me with NOTHING. i had 8505/7170 issues, and no one helped. i download a different program, and ask for some help with it, and than get ridiculed. Thanks a lot, the majority of the people here are complete jackasses.

P.S. I'm 16, i really cant afford to put down 300 bucks for a recording program, so excuse me if I don't think Peaveys going to feel the hit.

I answered your post saying I had the same problems AND I gave you a solution for said problem. Here's another solution: If the Nick Crow VST's aren't working for you maybe try the AcmeBarGig VST's, which are also great. Coming here talking about ripped programs and expecting people to want to help you complete your thievery is a little absurd. We have people that work for peavey on this forum, so thanks for slapping them in the face. Get reaper(free to tryout, about 50 bucks to purchase a license), download whatever free VST's you want, read a little (search sucks on this foru, but if you use google search for whatever topic you want to find out about and add andy sneap forum to the search and amazingly enough you'll find the answer), and drop the attitude and you'll learn a lot of shit here. Keep mouthing off, stealing programs, etc, and you'll have a miserable experience here. Welcome to the forum by the way, I hope you learn a lot while you're here.
I answered your post saying I had the same problems AND I gave you a solution for said problem. Here's another solution: If the Nick Crow VST's aren't working for you maybe try the AcmeBarGig VST's, which are also great. Coming here talking about ripped programs and expecting people to want to help you complete your thievery is a little absurd. We have people that work for peavey on this forum, so thanks for slapping them in the face. Get reaper(free to tryout, about 50 bucks to purchase a license), download whatever free VST's you want, read a little (search sucks on this foru, but if you use google search for whatever topic you want to find out about and add andy sneap forum to the search and amazingly enough you'll find the answer), and drop the attitude and you'll learn a lot of shit here. Keep mouthing off, stealing programs, etc, and you'll have a miserable experience here. Welcome to the forum by the way, I hope you learn a lot while you're here.

Dude, read 5th post of this thread
Dude, read 5th post of this thread

Right, I understand where you are coming from, but this kid was complaining that no one helped him with his problems earlier, which was untrue. Several people commented on his earlier question, one of which was I. I already contacted Nick about the problem months ago but he's a busy guy. He said he would get to it when he could. Until then, I advised him to use other free VST's or just switch to reaper if he really wants to use Nick's VST's. If you're talking about the demo version of revalver, fine, you're right it does make noise. However, this kid's attitude about stealing software is pretty lame (See post 7). Anyway, I was just trying to stear the kid in the right direction by searching and reading a bit before posting questions that are easily answered. Cheers! :kickass:
joe wasn't being a twat, he said "link me to your other post and i'll help" and sternly laid down the law regarding those of us in need of demonoid rehab.

we all know with some things it can be difficult to not be tempted to "try before you buy", it just takes some kids a few years to realize that being professional with your work means paying the hand that feeds you.

tyler - read impulses sticky faq. guize on forums will wreck you for using pirated software. fortunately, the best ampsims are free, if you can get good at using lepou/acmebargig/nick crow stuff > impulses. also, reaper is not only free indefinitely, but seems much more conducive to beginners than cubase. and it doesn't lack power, catharsis ryan (whom i think also may still be only 17) is the master of all that is brutal and is full-time reaper, along with myself (til my pal allowed me to adopt his digiboard...heh..) and tons of other epic dudes around here. you can start completely from scratch and lay down brutal tones from nothing, legally, and completely free, and we will help you, if you have patience and search the board first and don't re-ask old questions.
Öwen;8562916 said:
Steady on, thats not the way to make friends. I saw the other thread and plenty people tried their best to help you out and some even admitted to having had the same problem, what do you want? Miracles? It's a plugin developed by one dude on his own, its not gonna be perfect for everyone - be realistic.

You're also pretty much admitting to using cracked shit - assuming the trend with revalver here its pretty much a given your cubase is the same sx3 that everybody seems to pirate, which unless you've completely failed to guage the mood of the board ( is totally condemned. You got ridiculed because you failed to realise this - your problem - not anyone elses.

If you want an genuinely solid alternative to Nick Crow stuff then there's always the excellent Solo C by Le Pou:

Which is easily just as good.

Allright. I definitely admit i was pissed off from a combination of my unworking programs, and the little amount of help i got off this board. That definitely does not give me the right to act like a retard at you guys, so I apologize for that. BUT, in response to those saying they helped me with my 8505 issues.... no, you really didn't. you suggested to try something I had already tried, or email the creator of the program. Thats not really help. thats suggesting to go ask somewhere else for help. And in response to you saying that cracked programs were condemned here. Did I ever out rightly say
"HEY! HELP ME WITH THIS PROGRAM I JUST TORRENTED!" No. I had a problem with my program and i asked for help. I recently read a thread in this forum saying that though people don't approve of using torrents, people just shouldn't go around broadcasting. I just wanted some help, and instead I got people judging my moral convictions. Last time i checked, this wasn't a forum about peoples opinions on the use of torrents, its a forum to help people get better production quality. If that's not the case, I guess I should find another forum to ask my questions.

Anyways, for an update, I did download the solo c, and keFir to use cab impulses. Right now i'm using a cab impulse that catharsisstudios posted on ultimate-guitar. (oversized Mesa with 2 57's) Still not getting a great sound. Am i basically just going to have to mess with this alot to find good tone? It also said on the website that I should download a preamp as well. Is this true, and if so, whats a good free pre amp do download?

[edit] Its a power amp its missing sorry. will that be an issue?