best p2p for downloading?


Jul 1, 2003
Concord, CA
i'm not sure if this type of topic is allowed here or not. if it isn't feel free to delete it, or move it to the appropriate forum.

anyways, i had to reinstall windoze because of a virus or some shit and i'm looking for some new p2p shit. i had morpheus before (the reason i got fucked).

what's out there? it's been years since i've really been into this type of shit. i finally found an unsecured network in my neighborhood so i'm happy now (had dialup for years).

i've heard people like Limewire, but i don't want to risk fucking my shit up again.

i remember trying the DC shit years ago but it just confused me.

help me out here. :)
Soulseek by miles. I usually use DC++ when I know people in the hubs, but SS is just as good. Plus its initials are SS. Now that's metal!