Better late than never!


Mar 26, 2008
I recently discovered the music of Dan Swanö... After countless hours wasted searching through metal albums, all of which were crap, I finally stumbled across crimson II. I heard a sample, then went out and bought every album of yours i could get my hands on and I am enjoying your music very much. I have purchased: Crimson I and II, Moontower, Unorthodox, Purgatory Afterglow, and Alive Again.

I recommended the Crimson albums to one of my friends and he already claims that 'Covenant of Souls' is his new favourite song, and he's into rock music.
I look forward to hearing your other stuff.

ps. my whole family enjoys Nightingale :kickass:
Excellent! One more to add to the long, long list of Swano Brothers fans! Welcome to the club!:headbang:
Thanks for the welcome!
Normally I would never even think of posting such a thread, but I haven't been this excited about finding new music in a long time. I get the sense of this cult-like vibe surrounding Dan Swano's music; it's pretty cool.
Glad you made it ; )
Discovering Dan's stuff certainly goes beyond just discovering a new band... It's a whole cosmos of awesome music. I got into quite a lot of my favorite bands and musical genres by way of Swanö...