Biomechanical Become a Four Piece Band


Nov 12, 2004
"Biomechanical Become a four piece"

Biomechanical's live set up has now changed into a four piece comprising of Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drums.
John said:"I think it makes sense having one guitarist as on both The Empires of the Worlds and especially Cannibalised we only had Chris Webb playing the rhythm guitars.
So the feel was coming from one guitarist and this will be better reflected now on the live set up."

The decision came after Chris Van Hayden left Biomechanical as the work for his own band Chaosgenesis has intensified.
John:"It's really unfortunate he left but I completely understand where he is coming from.
I had the same problem with Balance of Power. I really enjoyed being with them but it meant that I had to give less than 100% to Biomechanical and I couldn't have that.Chris is an extraordinary guitarist and I'm sure he is destined for great things.Check out and support his band Chaosgenesis, these guys are great!"

Biomechanical won't be looking for a new guitarist and will carry on with axeman Gus Drax as the only guitarist in the band.

Gus, John Adrian and Jonno would like to wish Chris all the best!
I read about this before and was pretty bummed out by it... Man I hope this doesn't put too much pressure on Gus. Well, all the best to Chris! :D