black metal is DEAD


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008

2010: keep of kalessin in the eurovision song contest. good work everyone! time to turn out the lights, lock up and go home.
hello and welcome to old news land
sorry i don't usually keep up with the latest eurovision happenings

this has no relation to the true satan imo btw
KEEP OF KALESSIN used to be an actual good norwegian black metal band, not GREAT, but certainly solid for what it was, and up to this point they never really fucked up by doing something stupid. this, however, really makes THE KOVENANT and SATYRICON and whoever else is accused of selling out just really really really pale in comparison.

anyway the point isn't whether KEEP OF KALESSIN are standard bearers of true black metal, the point is that in the eyes of the general public they are another satanic norwegian black metal band and no different than MAYHEM or BURZUM or any other bands that scared everyone through VERDENS GANG in the 90's -- and now they are on the eurovision and the reactions are "wow look at them heavy guitars, that's pretty cool" at worst.

the point is that black metal used to be foreign and frightening in the eyes of the public, especially the norwegian public, and now it is 100% acceptable to everyone in the mainstream. no danger left.

EDIT: and the WORST part is this fucking chorus is enormously catchy
and in sweden, we had PAIN OF SALVATION writing some other monument to crappy pop shit that i haven't heard, but i don't like the band to begin with so no loss there
/in agreement with Erik (although they don't call themselves black metal in the media, but "epic, extreme metal")

Here's the live version, btw:

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Nicholas Cage's sons band I am sure had a lot to do with its demise as well.
Nicholas Cage's sons band I am sure had a lot to do with its demise as well.
really, who cares about that shit

it's another really bad us band that has misunderstood what black metal is about; whether or not one of the members is the son of a famous actor is frankly irrelevant
Never cared about Keep of Kalessin and not going to start now.

Black Metal is AAAALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE something something Katharsis something something Teitanblood something something etc.
So black metal is dead because a band is making shitty metal that doesn't resemble black metal? I'm not following...
So black metal is dead because a band is making shitty metal that doesn't resemble black metal? I'm not following...

you're not following because you're not reading properly

it's about how black metal as a means of rebellion and a stronghold of opposition against the values of society is undermined and rendered hollow by its welcomed assimilation into said society

it doesn't matter that the song is not black metal. it is, for any relevant intents and purposes, a black metal band and they are in the EUROVISION SONG CONTEST. (maybe you should be european to understand the sheer magnitude of this. you could check youtube for other eurovision entries to see what these SATANSROKKARE are up against, and to maybe catch a glimpse of the "spirit" of this competition) this could positively not have happened even ten years ago. the general public (in norway, no less) now tolerates black metal as a music genre like any other and the message is lost in a sea of stupid postmodern bullshit where nothing means anything anymore. BURN THE WORLD

"i don't want to see trend people respecting me, i want them to HATE and FEAR"
-- euronymous
and also, as much as i am against this in concept (A LOT!!!) the song... the song... it's not bad

you know

not bad
"i don't want to see trend people respecting me, i want them to HATE and FEAR"
-- euronymous

i think all this ended when Gaahl told us he likes teen clothing designers of the masculine gender ...

but some would argue that in itself is very "black metal"