Black metal

Deathspell Omega- Si monumentum..
Burzum- Burzum/Aske
Grand Belial's Key
Emperor- Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Mayhem- Live in Leipzig
Graveland- Fires of Awakening
Gontyna Kry- Welowie
Full Moon- United Aryan Evil
Bathory- Blood, Fire, Death

All I can think of right now...
BMT is wrong. I heard about the music of Burzum and the other BM staples before I really heard about their misdeeds. I think only scenesters are the ones who give a shit about what Varg did. His music is worth the attention. It's rather imperfect because most everything was recorded in one take.

I agree wholeheartedly with Decadent's last post.
It is a Gothic/Black mixture, but you need to check out all of Asgaard's albums. They are very atmospheric. Very interesting as well.
Décadent said:
I've never been able to get into Hvis Lyset.

Can't even fathom that, myself. The more I listen to it the further it seems to be ahead of all competition. The first track remains easily the most mindblowing thing I've ever listened to - certainly within metal at least.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
Ive said this before, If Varg never killed anyone or burned a church no one would claim to like Burzum. Shitty Vocals, Sloppy Guitar Playing, all mixed together with shitty recording.

Not only before, but 80 times before. I suspect you'll say it again, too.
Lux Occulta - My Guardian Anger
Armagedda - Only True Believers
Kvist - For kunsten maa vi evig vike
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
Absu - The Sun of Tiphareth
Koldbrann - Nekrotisk Inkvisition
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Khold - Masterpiss of Pain
Weakling - Dead As Dreams

Not really black metal, call it post-black:
Arcturus - La Masquerade Infernale
Borknagar - Borknagar
Covenant - Nexus Polaris
In the Woods... - Omnio
In the Woods... - Strange In Stereo
Summoning - Nightshade Forests
Ved Buens Ende - Written In Waters

Dimmu and Emperor sort under post as well, though they're of the "mostly harmless" kind.

Needless to say, my list is superior to everyone else's. But you won't understand to appreciate it, which makes me sad. Like this: =(
polarity3 said:
essentials; these are the recordings widely agreed upon as classics, though will a little of my personal taste interjected. familiarity with these will allow you to more easily determine what else is worth listening to and what's derivative crap;

immortal - pure holocaust
burzum - burzum/aske, det som engang var, hvis lyset tar oss, filosofem
darkthrone - transilvanian hunger, panzerfaust, under a funeral moon (how was i the first person to mention them?!)
bathory - under the sign of the black mark, blood fire death
enslaved - vikinglgr veldi
mayhem - live in leipzig, de mysteriis dom sathanas
emperor - in the nightside eclipse
gorgoroth - antichrist
ulver - bergtatt (controversial one here...)
graveland - thousand swords (personally can't understand what people see in this one, but it's accalimed enough that you should at least check it out)
summoning - dol guldur
beherit - drawing down the moon
necromantia - scarlet evil witching black
varathron - his majesty at the swamp

some more recent/less classic stuff

nokturnal mortum - goat horns, lunar poetry (all their albums are pretty good as far as i know)
deathspell omega - si monumentum requires circumspice
drudkh - autumn aurora, forgotten legends, the swan road
mutiilation - remains of a dead ruined cursed soul, vampires of black imperial blood
vlad tepes/belketre - march to the black holocaust (split)
alcest - le secret
nocternity - onyx
krieg - the black house, patrick bateman
antaeus - cut your flesh and worship satan
moonblood - blut and krieg
blut aus nord - the work which transform god (it's now become trendy to hate this album, but oh well. their earlier stuff is apparently good too)
velvet cacoon - genevieve
graveland - memory and destiny, the fire of awakening, dawn of iron blades (this era of stuff is far superior to his supposed "classic" material, imo)
demoncy - joined in darkness (some people absolutely love this, personally i think it's pretty good but am yet to hear in it what they hear....still trying, though)
gontyna kry - welowie

there's more, but i'm not going to make a huge list of bands. i don't think i've omitted anything of undeniably high quality.

edit: i definitely advise downloading before buying with black metal

yeah, that's the list to go by. emphasis on BURZUM
Enemy242 said:
why am i the only one who thinks since this came out a year after storm of the lights bane and sounds exactly like dissection its a ripoff? everyone else seems to think this owns dissection even though if there was no dissection this obviously wouldn't exist? i mean even the vocals are pretty much the same for fucks sake!
I don't think it sounds that much like Dissection at all, except for maybe the vocals. Storm of the Lights Bane is basically blackened Gothenburg melodeath. There is nothing melodeath about Far Away from the Sun; it is pure black metal.
Freanan said:

Aaskereia: Mit Raben und Wölfen and
Unearthly Trance: Seasons os Seance, Science of Silence

to the list that was quoted 2 posts ago.

No. Aaskereia sucks and is generic, and Unearthly Trance is Doom, not black.
Unearthly Trance could is as much BM as it is doom. I'd definitely include it..
Aaskereia is generic? Which album did you listen to? The new MCD is maybe a bit generic, but there are heaps of more generic bands out there.
And "Mit Raben und Wölfen" is great and not generic at all. If you don't understand it, go away :)
Freanan said:
Unearthly Trance could is as much BM as it is doom. I'd definitely include it..
Aaskereia is generic? Which album did you listen to? The new MCD is maybe a bit generic, but there are heaps of more generic bands out there.
And "Mit Raben und Wölfen" is great and not generic at all. If you don't understand it, go away :)

Who fucking cares?
Shut the fuck up BMT. You obviously don't know much about Black metal. I've seen your tastes and it's alot closer to thrash and heavy metal. So fuck off from the threads where you know nothing much about. Thank you. :)

Either way some more music:

If you can somehow d/l this band of Soulseek or something definitely get The Furor - Invert Absolute. Very melodic black metal that is somewhat technical and has catchy hooks.
Nagelfar - Srontgorrt
Tormentor - Anno Domini
Averse Sefira - Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Deathspell Omega - whole catalogue, but if you're into something abit more original definitely their newer stuff.
Hirilorn - Legends of Evil & Eternal Death
Drudkh - all
Nokturnal Mortum - NeChrist, Goat Horns, Lunar Poetry, Weltaanschaung.

There's many more.

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is the accessible Burzum album, Filosofem comes close. HLTO is still my favourite especially Det Engang Som Var.
Haven't read much of the topic but:

Limbonic Art
Maniac Butcher
Spite Extreme Wing
Cirith Gorgor
Malicious Secrets
Night Mare said:
How is this Burzum's most accessible album? I would say Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is his most accessible, closely followed by Filosofem.

Hvis is possibly his most esoteric album to the metal community (besides the ambient ones). Filosofem is too subtle to be overtly accessible, so it's really between Det som and Burzum for accessibility, and even then, there's so much more to those albums.
I should also mention some more obscure bands, like Banewort, Khali-Juga, Rikket, Rodovest, Forest Silence, Troglodytic, Sun Of The Sleepless, and Nordlicht.