Black metalish mix (8505/SVX/SD2)

Dec 28, 2005
36 Test 2.mp3

Any suggestions for improving the mix?

Guitars are quad-tracked, ESP/LTD EC-50 with 85+81s straight into Profire 610 hi-z.
85+81 @ 100L/R
85 @ 80L/R -3dB
Both are SoloC -> 8505 -> englv30morepres impulse -> EQ (with a lot of surgical cutting in the mids/highs to get rid of some nasty airy fizz). 80L/R pair has less gain and slightly different EQ.

Lead guitar was essentially the same chain, with some reverb/delay on it.

Bass is a shitty scratch track (it drops out partly through), SX SJB62-5 fretless with an EMG J-X set straight into my Firebox hi-z. Strings are 3 years old, I haven't changed them because I don't want to deaden my new ones at all before tracking (I still have to practice the songs more.) Split into three signals:
SVX + Ampeg 8x10 impulse
SVX + SWR 1x15 impulse
8505 + s-preshigh for grit

Drums are SD2 with a lot of processing outside of the SD2 mixer.

Vocals were an SM58 (I believe) into a tube preamp (not sure what model) into Profire 610.

Right now, to me, the guitars are about as good as I'm going to get them with my limited knowledge of sculpting EQ and this side of retracking them with a $2000 guitar into a real rig. Especially for the type of music we're playing.

I have a lot of work to do on the drums, I really haven't played with any of the velocities yet.

For what it's worth, I've been referencing the mix between my Logitech speakers, my ipod earbuds, and my Sony MDR-V150 headphones. Not an ideal mixing situation, but it worked well enough (for me) on our first EP all the same.

Although I enjoyed the track, I couldn't help but to notice that your bass is VERY audible the first part, then it disappears from the mix! (??)

So, it's like, pick your poison: To much bass, or no bass at all...

As I said; Nice mix, but try to bring the guitars a tad up, and ffs push the bass a couple of db's down(and check the EQ!)

Also, I have no idea what the drums are trying to do, so try to adjust them so that they are audible, and don't get the "background filler"-feel.

Yeah, the bass disappears because it's a scratch track where I was just playing with ideas. I forgot to turn it off when I bounced this sample and was too lazy to rebounce without the shitty bass track.

I have to track the bass completely, but this is the general idea of the mix. It was mostly the guitar tone that I obsessed over, because for awhile it was FAR too fizzy (almost like I didn't have an impulse on it.)

The drum track is a WIP as well, I haven't sat down and finished playing with the velocities or anything.
The mic is a SM57 + windshield (need popfilter too) through a Presonus tubePre with stock tube (thinking I may change it after this lot of recording).