Bottom E string


Dec 11, 2002
Fucking England \m/
Any shredders out there have any difficulty tremelo picking on the bottom E string? For some reason i just cant do it, i have to use legato whenever i want to shred on it.

I think its a combination of two things:
1)The obvious higher string guage which makes it hard to just glaze over the string without forcing the plectrum trough
2)and secondly the fact that there is no string lying on the near side, which i think makes me tilt my hand over so im picking more upwards into it, rather than across it on the same plane i would pick the other strings. (very hard to explain)

Anyone else have these problems? Im trying to correct it by tremlo picking on the A string for a while (just keeping to one fret, my left hand isnt the problem) and then moving to the bottom E and trying to keep the exact same action.
I played in a black metal band for some time this summer, and I didn't have any problems to tremolo on low E. Acctually, all the time I tremolo-pick I always lift my hand above the strings so the second issue you're talking about didn't appear to me.

I also think it's just a matter of getting familiar to the higher gauge, once you feel comfortable it wont be any problem for you. But I can agree that some days it's simply harder to tremolo then other days, it's nothing I usually do so it's not really me area.
Dude, you might want to look into some Iced Earth songs to improve your picking on the low E. (Colors is a good example)

Me, I got my right hand mechanics by tremolo picking random open strings until my right hand got tired (Like 15 minutes blocks with 5 minute rests).
I spent about 4 days (about 10 playing hours) doing that and my right hand has been rock solid ever since.
Well its not really my tremelo picking in general thats the problem, i mean i can play scales 16ths at 252 bpm and upwards after some warm up, and with my band i have no problem doing fast galloping riffs palm muted on the E string, its just that non palm 'shredding mode' if you want, that im finding it hard, its like the pick is almost falling out my fingers as im trying to keep it relaxed like i would for any other string.

And thats far too long to type without a full stop so ill leave it there :)

Ill do what you suggested though, some endurance work might just do the trick
what? thats not all that fast

Ok i made a recording through a little microphone onto my computer. It sounds kind of gay because i use very high treble when i practise: it means any mistakes are really amplified nastily so i can perfect my playing.

Theres a few fuck ups but i get a few clean scales out aswell

EDIT: I get carried away trying out a new sweep at the end too so ignore that :)
DoktorShred said:
what? thats not all that fast

Ok i made a recording through a little microphone onto my computer. It sounds kind of gay because i use very high treble when i practise: it means any mistakes are really amplified nastily so i can perfect my playing.

Theres a few fuck ups but i get a few clean scales out aswell

EDIT: I get carried away trying out a new sweep at the end too so ignore that :)

1) 16th notes at 252 bpm is FUCKING FAST. Most of the really sick shredders can't even touch that speed.

2) That clip was VERY sloppy, and you weren't even in rhythm. Although you claimed to play 32nd notes, you were lagging behind the beat, ending up playing a much slower subdivision than 32nds. At best, you had 3 or 4 32nd notes in a row.

I'm not trying to diss you, I'm just being honest: You can't play that fast. Slow down, and focus on accuracy - accurate playing at 180 bpm is much more impressive than sloppy crap at 260 bpm.
whatever, i hadnt warmed up and i did it in one take. Not bragging, thats a speed im aiming for rather than one i would actually play live or on tape.

I know in some places i play triplets instead of straights (6 notes a beat rather than 8). Im aware of that, its important to practise triplets aswell
DoktorShred said:
whatever, i hadnt warmed up and i did it in one take. Not bragging, thats a speed im aiming for rather than one i would actually play live or on tape.

I know in some places i play triplets instead of straights (6 notes a beat rather than 8). Im aware of that, its important to practise triplets aswell, in other words, you can't play that fast.

I wish people would stop setting their speed standards so fucking high. Everybody today seems to be saying stuff like: "16ths at 300 bpm isn't that fast... I've been playing for three years, and I can do 16ths at 350 bpm". Have you EVER heard ANYONE play that fast? No.