BS to tour with Helloween????????


New Metal Member
May 12, 2003
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:hotjump: :OMG: on saturday, i´ve been told that brainstorm and helloween will go on a co-headlining tour in the fall of 2003!!! holy shit,..both wit a real big live-show (whatever that means, hargh,hargh - helloween with big rabbits or what....or any playmates on stage?? harrrrr!) .. i got really like :OMG: but is this true? sounds extremely cool, maybe too cool to be true. does anyboday know anything abou this?
Falconer! before i forget: opener should be Falconer! so please get back to me and let me know: right or not? maybe someone of the band reads this so please let me know! sounds really awesome!
I'll ask the band, I have not heard about it yet. Ugh, me not likes Helloween and least of all Falconer
haha.....Marlies, I'm with you there. Don't care for those bands either. If it's true, they only want BS to attract more fans to their shows........and what will happen in the end is that they will be blown away by them :D
argh I love Helloween (see the avatar? ;) , but it seems strange to me that such differents bands tour together, they're not on the same record compary and do they know each other? (like Grave Digger and BS)
Anyway, everything's possible...
plans will be announced soon ;)
I can tell you that I dislike that band even more but it'll take them to a lot of countries :hotjump:
And for those who know my hates (;)).. no it's no Strato or Rhapsody.. EWWW!! :lol:
AngelWitch73 said:
Even if for some sick reason they toured with Linkin Park I would still go to see them. Of course then I´d have more time to drink beer before the show... :D
you mean AFTER the show then, AS Brainstorm would be the opener :)
It seems that BRAINSTORM will open for PRIMAL FEAR on the next tour ;)

eheh didn't know you hate them so much Marlies, it's ok for me as I like their albums!
But Brainstorm is definitely a better live act... good news anyway!
damn, the news is out already? just got it confirmed yesterday, but i'm waiting for todde to write a newsmessage since I don't have enough details to write one myself.

i don't like that kind of macho-priestish metal at all. cora and i will have plenty of time blabbing with the BS guys :lol:

the best thing about this tour is that it will take BS to countries they haven't been before, Scandinavia, England..... that rocks!!! :headbang:
Marlies said:
damn, the news is out already?
i don't like that kind of macho-priestish metal at all. cora and i will have plenty of time blabbing with the BS guys :lol:
It's in the PF news.

But "macho Metal"?? Priestish ok (and I like that eheh), but I can't see why PF would be "macho"... They're not Manowar at all!

Because Ralf Scheepers does body building? I understand you don't like that, but I don't think it makes them a "macho" band.
I met Ralf once, he was a very kind and calm guy and definitely not a Joey DeMaio searching for stupid groupies to bang ;)

He also sang on Hungry (hey hey mister knooow it aaaaaallll, great song) and maybe now he wants to help his good old Brainstorm friends by taking them on tour with PF :)

Looking forward to the tourdates!
....for some strange reason there will be no Primal Fear review from Summer Breeze at Morrigan's Pit ;)
We had our "shower-time" - well needed after Amon Amarth !!:headbang: and Naglfar !:kickass: (no Vintersorg !!:cry: ) and before the other bands that night during their set :saint: