burnin' down the house

Priest of Evil

Adores the Number 666
Dec 1, 2005
Its hot as hell in South Australia, the longest heatwave (on record) ever in Australia. Might have to go to Coober Pedy to get some relief!

Doesn't help when you got a willful 2&1/2 yr old who wont stay in his bed and go to sleep...

After employing various methods to get him to sleep, we recently put a gate on his door to keep in his room (because he runs around the house like a maniac) but he just plays with his toys! If we take his toys away then he'll just pull out his clothes or whatever brings attention to him. I know a few of you have kids, have you had similar experiences?
Priest of Evil
It's a long phase they go through. Our daughter gets up and comes into our bed probably 3-4 times a weeks or just keeps waking. She has been doing this for about 6mths now. My friends who all have little ones about the same age are going through some form of this night waking. We all have eased the torture a little by cutting out the day sleep and only having it if they actually falls asleep on their own accord and also extending the time before going of to bed at night.
I know on person who elimiated the night chaos to being just waking and talking to themselves at night by making it all seem more fun to stay in bed and talk quietly or look through a couple of books.
The gate probably has enhanced the need to try and make it known s/he is doing their best to push the boundaries and assert themselves.
I have found the best method for curbing any behaviour that you don't like is making it all seem like they have come up with an alternative that keeps the peace. At the moment Jazynthe thinks just about everything that happens in her routine is all her idea and we had nothing to do with it.
Awesome, I'll try that with the missus!

It's going to be 40 in Melbourne tomorrow, and pretty warm over the weekend too, apparently. The SA heatwave is insane though!
meant to be so hot in Melbourne this coming weekend, so friends went to Perth were it is cool.

that's a sad state of affairs when Perth is 20 to 25 degrees and the East Coast is melting.

at least no bushfires yet.

*watches for floating embers, pyros or lightning strikes after making that last comment*
Priest of Evil,
Our boy decided at 18 months that he wasn't having arvo naps. By 6:30 he's absolutely knackered.

Worst thing is if we are driving mid afternoon, he'll sleep for an hour in the car, then we have a shit sleepless night.
Thanks JBJ, he usually wont sleep in the day of his own accord. He would fall asleep if we were driving somewhere after lunch though. But yeah, there isn't much you can do about it, they just want to be individuals and have some control over their life.

Back to the weather, it was 30C at 6 am, this morning, I didnt drop below 30C all night. Thursday morning at 5am it was 30C... thats some hot weather. I walked outside at 10.30pm last night and breeze felt like your normal day in hell:lol::zombie: I certainly prefer to have to cope with Australia's longest known heatwave than live in QLD though, hah! Humidity sucks.

Lance, did you happen to step out last night?
Priest of Evil,
Our boy decided at 18 months that he wasn't having arvo naps. By 6:30 he's absolutely knackered.

Worst thing is if we are driving mid afternoon, he'll sleep for an hour in the car, then we have a shit sleepless night.
heheh, yeah thats a killer!
I think i may have the oldest young kids here, but here is how I dealt with it when the oldest bloke was a wee lad, and a right cunt.... make them lay down for a while during the day, not to sleep to rest.

At night when they get up, put them back to bed they get the message really fucking quick, I am not advocating being an arse to your own child, but don't be lazy and for fuck sake be firm, they need you to be firm for a year or 2 then they get the message, I am always geting told how wel behaved my kids are these days and both have always slept well
That's the way, Southy. My 2yo niece in Indo would wake up every night crying, until I had firm words to her, and she seemed to stop. She probably does it again now that I'm gone though.

Lance, did you happen to step out last night?

I bumped into The Amazer on the streets of Melbourne last night. 'twas funny having a chance meeting like that. He and his lady were enjoying the mild evening. We still had a hot day yesterday, but last night was rather nice to walk around in.