Burst throws in the towel


Apr 25, 2008
San Francisco
Anyone else here Burst fans? They just announced that they'll be breaking up after their upcoming US tour (they don't have any west coast dates!!). I'm crushed. Their most recent album was pretty good too.
yes, just read the news and it really sucks. I follow why, and at least having Lazarus Bird, their last work, they went out on top. But I love that record, and really was looking forward to their next album.

I am going to try my best to see them in either Mokena, IL or Milwaukee since there is no MN show w/ Gojira. It's too bad they aren't in Atlanta around the PP time, it would have been nice to see them as well on my trip there.
I checked out "Prey on Life" just yesterday for the 1st time. Their evolution/maturation in sound does remind me of the progression Between the Buried and Me had, but it's definitely near the quality of Origo and LB. The vocals and I suppose the production are the things that they improved on more noticeably since.

Sucks, the Chicago and Milwaukee shows the timing couldn't be worse on October 6th and 9th. The 9th is Yom Kippur (I'm jewish) so there's no chance for me to go to that as my family would guilt-trip me to no end. And the 6th is on a Tuesday where it appears I must be at work for a training (the whole week save for Friday of course).

So unless they schedule more dates, I either have to fly somewhere more distant, or it ain't gonna be in the cards for me. Nothing that surprising given my current run of missed/lost concerts.