Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

I hate metalhead elitism.

I thought this album was totally boring. You'd think that after all that time he'd have some good ideas or something. I found a good review of Belus at this weird site http://theslaver.com/924

Were you all also let down when you heard Belus?

I think you should listen to it several times before forming a haphazard conclusion, and don't let yourself be prematurely swayed by a review. That's one person's opinion.

The album grows with each listen. I know when I first listened to it I was unimpressed, but I was also unprepared to invest myself completely in the listening experience. For me, Burzum requires a proper interest and mindset that can't really be forced; I have to wait until I'm in the mood. I also had some expectations that were difficult to ignore. However, once I gave it a few chances I discovered some truly great gems on the record, and the atmosphere, for the most part, is coherent (there are a few weird exceptions).

EDIT: and that diatribe of a review seems like it was written by someone with a personal vendetta against Varg rather than an objective listener.
from his web site: "...I probably became a racist when living in Iraq, where I saw how Arabs and other of the kind are like, and in Norway as a kid having to relate to Gypsies stealing our toys..."

LOL. poor guy.
I can't get past the terrible guitar/drum playing. I took classical guitar lessons when a teen and also for blues/jazz. I usually come on UM.com and cringe when people link bands like Burzum,Mayhem,Immortal,etc.. and black metal too classical music.

Which is while you'll never get it. You are listening to the music for the wrong reasons. Its like expecting the beatles to write songs with structures like Mahler symphonies and being disappointed when they don't.
Ha! Nice. Expecting Burzum to wank the tech angle is like expecting GG Allin to write child-friendy lyrics.

Anyway, is anyone else wondering about the tracks that got cut off of the final tracklist? Where these tracks recorded, or just written? I wonder if they'll see the light of day.
I still haven't picked this up. I expect a solid album that sounds like Burzum, but there's basically no way in hell that it's going to be massively groundbreaking.
I still haven't picked this up. I expect a solid album that sounds like Burzum, but there's basically no way in hell that it's going to be massively groundbreaking.

Of course it isn't groundbreaking... his style is 20 years old. But is it good? Yes. Does it sound like old Burzum? Yes. Is it worth getting? Yes. Is it his best black metal album? Nope.
Of course it isn't groundbreaking... his style is 20 years old. But is it good? Yes. Does it sound like old Burzum? Yes. Is it worth getting? Yes. Is it his best black metal album? Nope.

Could you point me to something of his that's better? No sarcasm intended.
"Glemselens Elv" through "Morgenrøde" is pure brilliance and some of the best metal has had to offer in well over a decade.
I really don't think it sounds like old Burzum. Old Burzum was much more seedy and metallic. Belus is cleaner and more melodic, you can tell he listens to more classical music these days. Plus there's no denying that his vocals are different.

I actually like the second half of the album much more than the first half. but that's just me

No question about it. I like both halves but the second is far and away the better half.