Call to Arms - tickets on sale tomorrow

Thar she blows cap'n. I almost strangled NoScript in the process (since it forgot all of my allowed settings somehow) but that didn't stop another righteous day one purchase.
I'm a little torn about whether I'm going this time. Orden Ogan is the only band I'm excited to see this time, and I'm not sure if it's worth $800 to go see them play for an hour. Everybody else I've seen before or have no interest in. But I'm considering buying a ticket anyway just as a show of faith that next year will hit more buttons for me. That is by far the cheapest part of the trip bill for me, and it's the only part that Glenn gets any benefit from, the rest goes to airfare and a hotel room. $120 is a decent price to pay for the hope that more obscure European power metal bands will get an invite someday in the future and to keep the fest going. I've had a lot of fun there over the nine times I've been, but this year I'm not sure the lineup makes it worth the expense for me to drag my poor ass out there.
I'm a little torn about whether I'm going this time. Orden Ogan is the only band I'm excited to see this time, and I'm not sure if it's worth $800 to go see them play for an hour. Everybody else I've seen before or have no interest in. But I'm considering buying a ticket anyway just as a show of faith that next year will hit more buttons for me. That is by far the cheapest part of the trip bill for me, and it's the only part that Glenn gets any benefit from, the rest goes to airfare and a hotel room. $120 is a decent price to pay for the hope that more obscure European power metal bands will get an invite someday in the future and to keep the fest going. I've had a lot of fun there over the nine times I've been, but this year I'm not sure the lineup makes it worth the expense for me to drag my poor ass out there.

You're in the minority. There is seriously something for everyone, regardless of if you've seen a band before. People who say that there's nothing that interests them with next years lineup should seriously consider finding another outlet for their concert going experiences. I don't know what more Glenn, Nathan, and Milton could do to generate a better, more varied lineup.

I will say kudos to you though if you follow through with purchasing a ticket just to support the festival even if you're not coming.
You're in the minority. There is seriously something for everyone, regardless of if you've seen a band before. People who say that there's nothing that interests them with next years lineup should seriously consider finding another outlet for their concert going experiences. I don't know what more Glenn, Nathan, and Milton could do to generate a better, more varied lineup.

I will say kudos to you though if you follow through with purchasing a ticket just to support the festival even if you're not coming.

It's a very, very prog-heavy lineup. And at heart, I'm mostly a power metal nerd. Orden Ogan is amazing, but Strato I've seen before and their new stuff does nothing for me. And Masterplan is one I can take or leave. That's it for pure Euro power. The only other set that would be epic is Pagan's Mind, because I do dearly love "Celestial Entrance".

I know that a ton of people are going to love this lineup, and don't think I'm complaining or anything. Most of the time, Glenn's and my interests line up enough every year to make it worth every hard earned penny to come down. This year, that hasn't happened. It's his fest, he can run it how he wants. But I think I have faith that next year, he'll bring in At Vance or Pellek or Persuader or Gloryhammer or Lord who will bring me back into the fold. I want PPUSA to continue so that I'll have the hope of seeing those guys play someday, because if the fest dies, I need to get rich enough to afford to fly to Europe if I ever want to see any of those bands...
LOL! I thought it had said Vinyl when I read it this morning. At least they're in the same complex. We'd hear it through the pipes and drag them upstairs.

Now if they show up at someone's loft in Atlantic Station, there's no hope.

"MTV Cribs presents: Vangough showing up to your loft and rocking your ass off with special guest Spinal Tap."

Just do me a favor and make sure to arrive on Wednesday morning and/or Tuesday evening, will ya?

Daniel and I will be at the Coca-Cola museum if you need us.
We are pleased to announce that 70% of all available tickets have been sold after the first 24 hrs!!
We are pleased to announce that 70% of all available tickets have been sold after the first 24 hrs!!

That is FANTASTIC news, Jen. When was the last time Glenn saw sales like this on the first day of tickets going on sale??? Hey, I'm excited for you guys and the festival!!!