Car Stereo Help

Yo. Fuck my car stereo.

Anyone know anything about car stereos? I'm trying to install an RF modulator on my jawn (or an iPod adapter). Can't get the head unit out. Bitch is wired with a short cable to a bose amp directly beneath it. It's a 98 Bonneville.

I've made a few attempts today, and all I've managed to do is break the controls for my sun roof.
I would take it to a pro. Or at least to Best Buy. Getting an iPod hook up in my car is possibly the best car related money I ever spent.

Alter-Nick might know some shit about car audio. He actually wanted me to ask you if you could help him with some HTML.... so maybe instead of trading off for sexual favors, you guys can work out a Stereo for HTML sort of deal.
I put a car stereo in my stratus... Does that count as knowing anything? you might have a screw under the dash or somthing. thats how it was on the stratus. you know you gotta take out the dash right?
I'm down with trading markup for stereo stuff.

Putting a stereo in, probably means taking another one out, which is exactly what I'm trying to do, so yeah ;)

I took the dash off (most of the console, anyway). The problem is that when I try to pull the stereo out, one of the chords in the back is very short, so I can't really get the stereo all the way out. I suppose I could get it out, but putting it back in, I'd have no way to re-attach the cable.

If I get intimate with my gas pedal and jam my head behind the console (there's a little bit of room to get my head back there), I can see the cable running to the head unit, but there is a bose amplifier blocking off most access to the back of the head unit. I haven't found a way to get the amplifier out.

I'll talk to Alter-Nick, and use best buy as a backup. I gots to make a trip to ikea anyway, and there's a best buy right next to the ikea in south philly.
I don't know if you were planning on coming tomorrow or not but.... Alter-Nick will be there for obvious reasons.