Carcass reforms to play Wacken 2008... call me the bringer of good news

Nothing worse than a reunion show without plans to make a new album.

Live reunions generally satisfy those who are excited about them.

Reunion albums have a sketchier track record.

Carcass was skiing down Mount Bullshit when they broke up. They aren't going to reunite as Carcass and produce an album based on their current interests, and it would just be a disaster if they wrote an album that intentionally recalled the glory days in an effort to satisfy some market (fan) demand.

Leave it alone and just do some shows, I say.
Carcass was skiing down Mount Bullshit when they broke up. They aren't going to reunite as Carcass and produce an album based on their current interests, and it would just be a disaster if they wrote an album that intentionally recalled the glory days in an effort to satisfy some market (fan) demand.

Leave it alone and just do some shows, I say.


I have no interest in a new album. I missed the one chance I had to see them live back in the day. While seeing them now would be just a shadow of what once was, it would still be better than nothing.
Heartwork is still one of the best songs and videos ever played on Headbangers ball. Years ahead of the Gothenburg style*.

Not ahead of the mighty AT THE GATES but ahead of In Flames and Dark Tranquillity's most memorable material.
This is good news for fans...and of course I'd be interested in seeing them play if they come to the US....but....

I gotta be honest: other than Heartwork*, no other Carcass interests me. I have about 4 Carcass albums, two of which are still in their plastic wrappers. I have no desire to play them (I bought them cheap with the banned covers).

*I'm one of the three people who like Swansong too. :loco:

Most people I know who really like Carcass are other oldies who were around when they first came out. I missed the boat first time round and so it feels like I'd just be joining a bandwagon at this point.

And don't you have to like fucking GRIND in order to appreciate that stuff (other than Heartwork)? Or are they so legendary that it's worth spending the time to get to know them properly?
Necroticism has a healthy dose of grind and death metal, the farther back you go the dirtier and more primitive the grind becomes. Necroticism definitely deserves a spot among the best death metal albums in my opinion, I'd take it over Heartwork any day.
yeah, to me it's the grind aspect that lets it down

that said, one day I may change my opinion on goregrind / grindcore and perhaps Carcass will act as the catalyst

Thing is, aren't Carcass one of those bands that transcend genre boundaries? How is it that so many people can be into Carcass and yet the subgenre of grind is still relatively unpopular. It doesn't seem to correlate (unless of course people only like them for Heartwork and what it spawned in terms of melodic DM).
I like Necroticism & Heartwork the best personally. I got to see Carcass in '94 or '95 with them headlining, Life of Agony on before them and then Monster Voodoo Machine opening, blah (there may have been a local band too). Carcass and Life of Agony were insanely awesome, but this was after Amott left the band and they had Carlo Regadas. If I had a scanner I would share the pictures. All I have on this thing is one of Alan Roberts (Bass, LoA), Joey Z. (Guitar, LoA) and Ken Owen:
I like Necroticism & Heartwork the best personally. I got to see Carcass in '94 or '95 with them headlining, Life of Agony on before them and then Monster Voodoo Machine opening, blah (there may have been a local band too). Carcass and Life of Agony were insanely awesome, but this was after Amott left the band and they had Carlo Regadas. If I had a scanner I would share the pictures. All I have on this thing is one of Alan Roberts (Bass, LoA), Joey Z. (Guitar, LoA) and Ken Owen:
Holy schnit that is a rad lineup.

I enjoy Swansong quite a bit. Heartwork has always been my favourite, but Necroticism is nearly as good. Symphonies of Sickness is like Scum, highly enjoyable, but more important toward the grand scheme of things rather than something for daily listening.