Charlie on the Zone/ Free Show


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
Hey kiddies! This morning, Sir Charles called into the Brook and Jill show on The Zone to help annouce a FREE show next Friday (December 5th). From 5a-9a, they will be doing a live broadcast from the House of Blues in Chi-town featuring a concert with V-shaped Heart, Ill Nino, and most importantly 'Thrax.All you have to do is bring a wrapped donation for Toys for Tots and you're in. They'll even have food!! So, for those (like me) who can't make it to the show that night at the Metro (Stupid boss has to have his Xmas party that night), here's a chance to still catch a few songs live....hopefully all will be renditions of Lone Justice. One can hope.

Over and out.
I just Hope Charlie doesn't steal all the Kiddies toys!

He also announced he's moving to Long Grove, which is about five minutes from me, watch out Charlie you've got a new stalker.
AlexStomp said:
I thought he had already moved to the Chicago area when he got married?
He's been going back and forth between Chicago and Yonkers.
I think he's moving for good within a few months.
They just replayed the interview agian this morning and he actually said Schaumburg area, not Long Grove(Damn all that loud music I listen to must be making be deaf.) So I guess I'll have to travel another forty-five minutes to stalk him at the local Starbucks.I'll just come up behind him in line and start singing Cup o' Joe, I'm sure he won't mind.
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
Ill be there .. Toy for Tots Rule!!!!!
You still going to the Metro? I think I'll pass on the HOB, I can't see waking up at three in morning to drive down to the city for what probably won't be a full set.
Yeah, I will Be at the Metro as well. Its for a good cause. Toys for Tots Rule ^^^^ like I said, and I have nothing better to do.. Ill be with my Gurl Friend at the Metro, Just look for a Hot Blonde With a pentathrax shirt on, and I'll be right behind.. say whats up, I'll buy you a beer..
Badatta2ud said:
They just replayed the interview agian this morning and he actually said Schaumburg area, not Long Grove(Damn all that loud music I listen to must be making be deaf.) So I guess I'll have to travel another forty-five minutes to stalk him at the local Starbucks.I'll just come up behind him in line and start singing Cup o' Joe, I'm sure he won't mind.
How about singing Toast to the Extras and handing him a frosty mug of brew?
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
Yeah, I will Be at the Metro as well. Its for a good cause. Toys for Tots Rule ^^^^ like I said, and I have nothing better to do.. Ill be with my Gurl Friend at the Metro, Just look for a Hot Blonde With a pentathrax shirt on, and I'll be right behind.. say whats up, I'll buy you a beer..
Hey dude, if that's the same chick that you posted the upskirts of a while back I will definitely be looking for her,uhm... I mean you. I'm sure we've met before against the rail on Scott's side, See ya there. Hell, I'll buy ya both a beer since Danny and his groupies won't be there.

By the way it's been a while since you posted any new pics of your girlfriend.