Concerts - 2002

rahvin: are you serious! look at the most of the 1st half of the year. :lol:

Q: have you ever gone to a show by yourself?

Miolo: Rush was probably the best show of the year, i think. for a few reasons.

1) the seat i managed to get at the very last minute. i purchased my (one, $75 :eek: ) ticket at the box office just after the show got underway and managed to get so close it was scary. i'll never forget it.
2) they're a mega-talented band and they played an incredible set. :D
3) hadn't seen them in over 5 years.

worth every penny. i do hope you get a chance to see them sometime. :)

edit: :worship: :^)
@wildfyr: A: no, and i suppose i wouldn't (unless it were vnv nation or dark tranquillity) because i find it a little sad, a bit like going to the movies alone.
and yes, i was seriously interested in shows experience no matter the show, or let's say almost. ;)

i used to think it was sad. sometimes still do occassionally. but more and more i've become accustomed to it. :err:

going to shows is one way to break up the Internet monotony! ;)
Didn't go to too many last year, but the ones I did go to were goodies. DT/IF/Sentanced was my favorite, though, just slightly ahead of Iced Earth/IF/Jag Panzer.

....Wow, I think the only other show I went to was Manowar/Immortal. Immortal played almost all new shit, which I wasn't into, and Manowar was, well, Manowar! :) :headbang:
No Return & Nile - Vosselaar / Belgium
Lacuna Coil & Sentenced - Vosselaar / Belgium
Dark Tranquillity & Sinergy - Vosselaar / Belgium
Dream Theater - Graspop Festival / Belgium
Strapping Young lad - Dynamo Festival / Holland
Opeth - Dynamo Festival / Holland
Soulfly - Dynamo Festival / Holland
Immolation - Antwerp / Belgium
My dying bride - Graspop festival / Belgium
No-Lokost - Tubize / Belgium
(check out
Killswitch engage - Kontich / Belgium
Marduk - Antwerp / Belgium
Slayer - Graspop festival / Belgium
Thortyir: nice. :)
Marduk was supposed to come here, TWICE i think. :bah:

Miolo: i would hope they would do another European or world tour for their other fans around globe. start saving up now if they do announce an Italy date though. :loco:

their set went something like this:

Tom Sawyer
Distant Early Warning
New World Man
Roll The Bones
The Pass <------ :yow:
Big Money
The Trees
Natural Science <------ :cool:

One Little Victory
Secret Touch
Red Sector A
Leave That Thing Alone
Drum Solo
Temple Of The Syrinx
La Villa Strangiato <----- yep =)
Spirit Of Radio

Bytor And The Snowdog
Cygnus X-1
Working Man

what a great show. :D
@wildfyr: :OMG: i want a show like that here. *thinks about the possibilities of actually having a show like that here* :cry:

and they did even La Villa Strangiato. (best instrumental of all times, in case you didn't know :p )

@wildfyr: thanks. :D i know, YYZ is another incredible piece of music, but since "Hemispheres" is my favourite Rush record and i heard "La Villa Strangiato" before than "YYZ", i prefer that one (an exercise in self-indulgence :p ).

am i changing this concert based thread in a Rush based one? :cry:

Miolo ( :D )
Miolo: we can try to steer the thread into another direction. yeah! why not? anyone can do it. :)

dark tranquillity? don't they usually issue a "we're leaving" post before they head off for a tour?

should we be concerned? :err:

Hmm, let's see if I can remember

Dark Tranquillity - Uppsala and Stockholm
Dismember + Genocide SS + Totalt jävla mörker + Thyrfing
Candlemass + Evergrey
Iced Earth
Satyricon + Khold
Amon Amarth + Merciless + Undercroft
Kreator + Sodom + Destruction + Wykked Wytch
Amaran + Arise
Amaran + Cyanide + Satariel
Blind Guardian + Nocturnal Rites
In Flames + Soilwork + Pain