Controversial opinions on metal

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Share them itt.

The Last Kind Words is a great album
Ascendancy is one of the best metalcore albums I've ever heard
St. Anger is a really good album
waking the fallen is the best metalcore album i've heard
john pretucci has tons of emotion in his guitar playing
behemoth is nothing special
most black metal is nothing special
  • I like St. Anger somewhat. Not as good as their "unholy trio" of albums (Ride - Justice), but it's not the abomination everyone makes it out to be.
  • I find Iron Maiden to be the pinnacle of mediocrity.
  • I find Heaven and Hell to be a mediocre album, aside from two or three songs... Dehumanizer and Mob Rules are much better.
No those are guttural growls, which are also retarded as shit sounding too. I was referring to pig squeals.

edit: This probably doesn't count but, I haven't bought a metal album since Ghost Reveries came out in October of '05. :lol:
Chris Barnes is still a good death metal vocalist today.
Ihsahn's post-INTE vocals are better than his INTE vocals.
Satyricon's Now, Diabolical rivals Nemesis Divina.
i like bands like napalm death and regurgiate, but alot of grindcore i cant get into

and most pig squeals do sound retarted if theyre overused, but i like how bands like jfac and misericodiam use them