Crazy Asian Kid Is Crazy


Sep 2, 2006
So I'm not sure if this guy is my new hero or not, I found his youtube account and it is off the wall, in various videos he demonstrates perfect pitch, benches 360lbs at more than 2x his bodyweight, plays violin like a pro, strips off infront of everyone at the gym and does deadlifts in the nude and gets tanned on johnny walker whilst working out. In other videos he bathes in household cleaning products (listerene et al), has a bath in junk food and talks about a dream where he eats out his mother who is orgasming rainbows or some shit.

This is just the beginning however as he fucks his girlfriend in a bed in the middle of the street, destroys his room in a man thong whilst spewing and wanks off on a rooftop.

Gentlemen, I give you Frank Yang:




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I know right :lol:

This one avoids doing anything crazy but reminded me of Gareth:

That isn't perfect pitch. He is just hearing the notes from aminor/cmayor and when a melody was played to him he didn't get it correct.

And his thing on not flushing toilets because it makes him older and steals his soul comes across and faux eccentricity.

Still an interesting dude
That isn't perfect pitch. He is just hearing the notes from aminor/cmayor and when a melody was played to him he didn't get it correct.

And his thing on not flushing toilets because it makes him older and steals his soul comes across and faux eccentricity.

Still an interesting dude

At 0:54 he's clearly playing something higher up in the register, then it cuts away. Couldn't be bothered to watch all the vids, but was curious about the perfect pitch. The sceptic in me thinks they'd arranged what notes to play before hand and even then, they messed it up!
I think most of the workouts up there are done by way of a joke but heres a proper training video:

Kid got skills.
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I left a comment on his perfect pitch youtube page and he responded by calling me a fucking moron and a faggot and challenged me to show him up. He's a class act all the way. interesting dude
What a loon indeed. The technique on that bench pressing when he is drinking is horrible. He is going to end up hurting himself like that.
Frank Yang is absolutely fucking hilarious hahah. His form is terrible on all his lifts but his violin playing video was pretty legit. He's fairly strong too, I suppose. I like the guy overall, he's sort of 50% massive troll 50% completely insane. Interesting to watch, that's for sure. ECCENTRIC CONCENTRIC