Custom Articulation With Superior Drummer?


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
Is there anyway to set a custom articulation in superior drummer, I want to do a cymbal crescendo with the cymbals I'm already using but in order to it I'd have to adjust the attack envelope on each, this will of course mess with the dynamics of the already placed non-crescendo cymbal hits. Is there anyway to set up a custom articulation to do this, or at the very least automate the parameters in cubase? Is this done using midi nodes (have no idea what they are so just a guess), I'm sure with a program as well...superior as superior drummer there must be a way do to this?
A cymbal crescendo would be many hits not one. I don't think this would qualify as an articulation so much as it would a pattern or groove in superior. It would be writing out the particular note values dependent on how quick you want it in relation to the tempo and automating/drawing velocity in cubase.
A cymbal crescendo would be many hits not one. I don't think this would qualify as an articulation so much as it would a pattern or groove in superior. It would be writing out the particular note values dependent on how quick you want it in relation to the tempo and automating/drawing velocity in cubase.

I know its not one note its several notes in succession but in order to make it sound more realistic you have to adjust the attack envolope in superior itself and shift it back a couple of miliseconds on top of velocity editing. By shifting the envelope it will fuck with the attack for all the cymbals unless there is a way to automate the bypass of the envelope or to make an articulation setting that can be mapped out to that specific envelope change..
load another set of cymbals , give it its own midi note and do whatever you need?
Do you have the full layers loaded? ..there's your articulation.

Really.. simply using velocity should give an acceptable result for this. (and also using the right type of cymbal for it)
This sort of thing is kinda the whole point of the product.

Only if you've got it set to simply play the harder hits at lower volume should you need to fuck around like you are.
I LOVE YOU DUDE!! Haha. Thats exactly the answer I was looking for, though I honestly can't believe I didn't think of that!!

I love that feeling of satisfaction when you finally find a solution to those obnoxious sort of problems haha