Damage Done

ah, great, there is one more person who hates me ! Dunno why everybody hates me for buying CDs and going to festivals such a lot ;)

well I found the CD in the 2nd store I was... :)
And its great, as always :)
You´ll hear it soon I hope!
I think DD is great! I'm so glad that DT have learned from their mistakes on Projector and Haven. I personally thought that half of Projector was great and the other half sucked, but Haven was completely forgettable and boring. I'm glad that DT have returned to their roots, something that a few other bands could benefit from (In Flames, Soilwork).
Projector and Haven are very good albums, im glad they put them out, imo they are classic Dark Tranquillity, just two very good albums. Oh and DD is prob my fav DT album, it blew me away more the The Minds Eye.

I bought it today and all I can say is: I LOVE IT!!!
it's so damn good that I can't describe it in words ;)
Final Resistance are my favourite now. I was on the signing in Gothenburg, I drove about 130 km for that :) The only thing I regret are that the persons who where with me had to go home so early :( I had hoped to stay and talk to the guys afterwards.
NicktheClayman and Xpet

I respect that you guys both dig Projector and Haven. The music on Projector was good, though I couldn't stand Stanne's clean vocals. I'm glad that they decided to do away with Stanne's cleans on Haven, but to me the music was totally uninspired. You must understand, I got into DT when The Gallery was released, and that will forever be the benchmark that I compare all other DT albums to, and since then, nothing has matched it. The amazing musicianship and killer vocals are nowhere to be found on Haven. Haven was almost completely forgettable and boring for me.

Which makes me extremely glad that DT have returned to what I liked about them so much on The Gallery. While DD is still not as great as The Gallery, I believe I'm starting to like it more than The Mind's I.
I was reading through the booklet etc a bit more throughout and there are some things that ain't right (atleast in my mind ;) ) First of all, the biggest ?. Wasn't the song I, deception supposed to only be on digipack? I have it on my jewelcase-edition as song no. 10 (the digipack was out, so I have to check in another store tomorrow for the it ;)). I have checked in the book, the lyrics for it are in there and I have listned to it, and it's there. And there are 12 songs as total. I checekd on the website, and there does it say that the song are supposed to only be on the digipack-edition, and a total number of 11 songs on jewel-case and 12 on digipack. http://www.darktranquillity.com/the_band/disco/damage.html
Another ? are inside the booklet, there does it show (in the order the titels are shown) that Ex Nihilo are song no. 11 and White noise / Black silence are song no. 12, while in reality it's the other way around. Can it be so that it is a aesthetic thought behind that? ;)

That's my thoughts about it right now ;)
I've listened to it twice in a row but I'm not prepared to give an honest opinion yet.
All I can say is that the playing is top-notch. The keyboards are used in a very clever way (perhaps the biggest surprise) and the drumming struck me as inventive too.
The guitars and vocals - godly as always.
Not that I was expecting anything less...
@Poet.... if by 'out' you mean 'floating around on the internet in various reincarnated versions of the original napster-type-thing, or on direct connect', then yes....its out....:)

And yes.... I have it :).... I figure its out legit now, and I'm buying it anyway.....

~Kovenant (Best I've heard in a loooong time...)
it's much too early for me to write anything more than casual comments. about the "vs. projector" issue, i'm uncertain. it's hard to separate the elation for the new stuff from a dispassionate judgement over features such as overall complexity and emotionality. not to mention, of course, lasting value. ;)
