Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
* D_Glover has joined #nevermore
<Nvrmr> hey karen
<D_Glover> HEY GUYS
<Nvrmr> o_O
<^Iris^> hey danny!
<D_Glover> karen and cara what's up my ladies?
<Wolftribe> its danny glover!
<ct_thrash> danny!!!
* ct_thrash swooooooooooooons
<Nvrmr> karen - my band might open for Vehemence/Polterchrist and Slayer/Killswitch Engage/Mastodon
<ct_thrash> you're a naughty boy danny
<D_Glover> hey
<^Iris^> yay for willoooooooow!!
<Nvrmr> woo
<D_Glover> YOU smeared feces all over me cara
<ct_thrash> hahaha
<ct_thrash> you deserved it
* ^Iris^ just admit you love it, danny!
<D_Glover> ...
* D_Glover loves it
<ct_thrash> lolool
<D_Glover> hey ladies
<D_Glover> i would like to take you out to lunch again
<D_Glover> without derick this time
<D_Glover> that guy
<D_Glover> just ruins it
<ct_thrash> :O
<ct_thrash> thats mean
<^Iris^> OH!
<ct_thrash> but ok!
<D_Glover> wonderful!
<D_Glover> where's karen!
<D_Glover> ?
<D_Glover> where's my sweet sweet girl
<Nvrmr> look in the mirror :D
<ct_thrash> hmmm
<ct_thrash> KAREN
<ct_thrash> COME
* ^Iris^ lets all shout for her, maybe then she comes out?
* NdX has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* D_Glover slaps Nvrmr with a glove
<ct_thrash> oooo
<Nvrmr> ahhhh
<ct_thrash> duel!
<Nvrmr> ive been gloved by the glover
<ct_thrash> hahahahaa
<ct_thrash> awesome
* ct_thrash sets mode: +o D_Glover
<D_Glover> thx babe
<ct_thrash> sure
<ct_thrash> hmmmm
* ^Iris^ ok.. Danny Glover VS Will The boz' arth!
* Nvrmr is now known as Dnny
<ct_thrash> danny do you wanna stay over at our house again like this weekend?
<Dnny> now you are the Danny Glover
<^Iris^> oh..even better!
<D_Glover> ooooh
<D_Glover> hmmmm
* Dnny is now known as Bozzltov
<D_Glover> i don't think i can miss cara
<D_Glover> sorry, i have some uruguay protests to go to and get arrested at
<ct_thrash> oh
<ct_thrash> :(
<ct_thrash> FINE THEN
<Bozzltov> uruguay!
<Bozzltov> www.spinaonline.com
<Bozzltov> yaaaay uruguay
<D_Glover> don't pout my fecal queen
<ct_thrash> :((((
* D_Glover has quit IRC

o_O o_O o_O
oh you know i'd love to karen! and we can ride through dupont circle like i love doing so much. i'll be over in half an hour. look sexy ok?
that would be great miss cara! mmm a stuck between two hot ladies, on a scooter. :tickled: