Dark Hall


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Can anyone tell me where I can find any Dark Hall? I have been interested in this project for several years (!) now, but cannot find anything!HELP!
Yeah, I love Jazz/fusion stuff, so thats why I'm so interested...but I'm firewalled here at school, so no audiogalaxy or file sharing for me! ARGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH! KNow where I can get an album?
"This is regarding the requests for the four song Dark Hall cd demo. Sorry for the delay in getting this info to you! And massive apologies for the impersonality of this generic letter!! So I'll be quick:

You can get this cd by sending 8 bucks (10 dollars outside the US) cash only! Checks will be sent back.
To: Dark Hall
P.O.Box 4401
Antioch CA
94531 USA

I ask only one thing (well two counting the cash only thing) and that's, please write me back at this email address and tell me your comments...good or bad...I don't care. Me and the guys were talking the other day and have decided we haven't received enough 'constructive' criticism to know how the world is taking our strange project.

A couple of notes on the cd.
The packaging is nearly nonexistent, except a quick little colorful print that Ken threw together to contain the credits. It's also a CD-R. Like I said earlier, it's only four songs. We recorded it in the summer of '98 during a 116 degree day in the middle of a brutal heat wave, in a studio where the live room was a converted metal warehouse. We had minimal time in the studio...one day to record, one day to mix. So we did almost everything live. Except for a couple sax parts that were doubled and a couple little synth overdubs, we basically did everything on the fly. And it shows. But it was the only way for us to get this done. It's a little shaky and a bit raw, but it's all we've got so far, and I think the fact that we did something worth listening to is beautiful, considering we barely ever jammed together back then. I mean we only rehearsed once after a year and a half hiatus before this recording. It's mainly because we're all in other bands, and this is truly a "side project". I really hope to change that real soon. Me, Ken, Flamp and Duga are currently writing new material, and I hope it'll reach the right ears one day, and we can make this more viable and a serious full time band. So just have fun listening to this like we had fun recording it.

Thanks for your interest and support.
Sorry once again for the unusual delays on my part, I've been on the road getting metallically saturated... Steve DiGiorgio "
Maybe I should buy it :)

It'd be nice.. I've only heard the clip of "changing weather" and I could really buy the demo just because of Steve's wonderful basswork.