Dave Wyndorf O.D.


Los Loser 4 life
Dec 26, 2004
MONSTER MAGNET have cancelled their European tour after the group's mainman, Dave Wyndorf, was hospitalized following a drug overdose.

"The battle with one's inner demons is the most personal fight any of us can undertake," said MONSTER MAGNET's manager, Steve Davis of Davis Entertainment Group. "The fight is at times a lonely, confusing journey. On the evening of February 27, Dave Wyndorf suffered a setback in his own fight and was hospitalized due to a drug overdose. His full recovery is expected. We ask that all those he has encountered over the years or simply affected by his music to take a moment to think good thoughts of and for him. With the grace of God and those who love him we are all confident that Dave will rebound from this set back and continue to play and make great rock and roll."

Damnit, it's always the good ones. Get well soon Dave
Fuck man, you freaked me out, I thought I was going to read that he was dead. Monster magnet is Fan-fuckin-tastic. I hope Dave cuts that Drug shit out man... next time we might not be so lucky.
I'm not a Monster Magnet fan, but I hope the guy can overcome his problems, not only for himself but for his friends and family. Losing someone to drug addiction is a very sad thing.
DumbAss said:
Fuck man, you freaked me out, I thought I was going to read that he was dead. Monster magnet is Fan-fuckin-tastic. I hope Dave cuts that Drug shit out man... next time we might not be so lucky.

very much agreed. I for sure thought I would read about him dead too, his time is not up yet thankfully.