David Ellefson rejoins Megadeth

Dec 28, 2005
MEGADETH founder and frontman Dave Mustaine has announced the return of original bassist David Ellefson (1983-2002) to the iconic multi-platinum group. This reunion is appropriately timed to MEGADETH's upcoming historic month-long "Rust In Peace" 20th anniversary tour which launches March 1 in Spokane, WA. At these incredibly special shows, MEGADETH will play their landmark, genre-defining 1990 album "Rust In Peace" in its entirety, in addition to other MEGADETH favorites.

"This shows the power of brotherly love and forgiveness," Mustaine says. "David Ellefson belongs in MEGADETH. Next we are going to show you the power of getting your asses kicked...HARD!"

David Ellefson concurs: "This is a huge moment for all of us, band and fans alike. It is a great celebration of the music from one of the biggest landmark albums of our career."

Ellefson will join Mustaine and MEGADETH band members Shawn Drover (drums) and Chris Broderick (guitar) on tour in support of the group's current CD, "Endgame", which has received some of the highest critical accolades of the band's career.

"We'd like to thank James Lomenzo for several years of loyal service on the bass, and wish him the very best," Mustaine adds.

welp...I wonder when drover and broderick are gonna go and marty and nick come back. shouldn't be a matter of time, if dave and junior can be playing toegether again.
I like this news.
I wont lie, I VASTLY prefer Marty's guitar solos over anything Chris contributed to Endgame. It's not that they were bad solos, but they seem a little too fiddly and widdly at times, whereas Marty seems to have this amazing melodic approach that never sounds overly technical
I just think it's fucked up that LoMenzo gets kicked to the curb after touring and writing with them for like 4 years or something now, because Junior decided he wanted to come back.
Broderick, while a beast, is no Marty when it comes to just... that STYLE... so I agree with that sentiment, however, I doubt Menza will ever come back.
I was joking around about this with my buddy. I said "I wonder what the deal was...either Lomenzo wasn't cutting it anymore so Dave went back to what he knew was safe, or he just finally caved in and brought Junior back." He responded with "I know damn well what happened. Mustaine swung through McDucks drive thru to get hooked up with some Meganuggets and saw Junior flippin burgers, at which point his born again christian ideals kicked in and compelled him to give him his old job back. Big Macs Are My Business...and Business Is Good!" and finished it off with "Grease Sells...But Who's Fryin? So Far...So Good...Want Fries? Rust In Cheez?"
Yeah dude, it's one of my favorite songs to play actually, I've been doing it for years :D (one of the few rhythm parts where my alternate picking > downstroke skillz come in handy :cool: )
Hey, I'll take any opportunity I can to brag about a rhythm part I'm good at, since there are so few :lol: (for example, as I've mentioned in another thread, pretty much the fastest sustained on-beat galloping I can play is the second riff before the super fast part of Raining Blood :D I guess that's what I get for idolizing Petrucci during most of the really formative years of my playing!)
Ellefson's comments - http://www.bravewords.com/news/131973

“It literally happened over the weekend,” says the delighted bassist. “And I can hardly believe it myself. There was clearly gonna be a change in the line-up, because James Lomenzo was leaving. Dave (Mustaine) and I talked on the phone, and all the feuds, all the arguments we’ve been having over the years just melted away. It just goes to show what direct contact can achieve!”

According to Ellefson, it was drummer Shawn Drover who instigated the whole thing.

“If you ever need a guy in a band to watch your back, then this is the man. Obviously, I have no clue what happened within the band. But I got a text from Shawn and it just said: ‘If ever there was a time for you and Dave to talk, now is it.’ It’s one of those messages you act on immediately. Typically of Megadeth, things then happened big and fast.

“In all honesty, talking to Dave again was wonderful. It was the right thing at the right time, done in the right spirit.”