Death/Doom vocalist needed for EP


Apr 19, 2009
Hey guys. I've got this doomy deathy melodic EP that I have been sitting on for two years now, and I've really been wanting to finish it but my vocal style just doesn't work so need someone with a good grasp of melodic doom to add some deep growling vocals, some examples would be Shape of Despair with Pasi Koskinen growling, that's my ideal vocalist for this EP, and Paul Kuhr from November's Doom is another good example, as well as Tobias Netzell from October Tide.

I have four songs completely finished, all the lyrics and vocals are actually done and in place using whisper-grunted guide vocal tracks :lol:, I just need someone to learn the lyrics and lay down the real tracks. Most of it is pretty slow, not any difficult fast stuff or rapping :lol:, and no clean vocals at all. I hesitate to post any samples and blow mah load early but here's the entire second track:
link removed, no longer needed

It's all pretty much like that in terms of style. If you're interested PM me and we'll talk details and such. Can't pay much cash but if you let me know what you're asking price and send me an example of your work I'll do my best money-wise. If you could do it free I wont protest :lol: and you'll be fully credited on the release and can absolutely use it as part of your musical resume in the future. Cheers!
I am willing to do it. Im at work but Ill send you a sample of vocals tonight I fall somewhere in the range you are looking for.

Edit : Sent you a PM with some samples if you're interested:)
Also digging the stuff in your signature DanLights. Are you on the vocals?
Thanks fellas, sent the files out to all who sent me samples of their stuff, some good growlers damn!

Anyone else who wants to give it a shot is more than welcome. I'm just going to pick the performance I like best, hope you guys are cool with that, it's nothing personal.
I might be down for this... I'm not really super familiar with the genre, but I listened to the bands you mention and I can definitely hit that range, no problem. Really dig the clip you posted.
Alright guys, well I'm gonna go ahead and call this one off now because I found the guy I needed quickly (quite shocking :lol:). I want to thank everybody who showed interest, and I will keep each of you in mind for other projects (I have fuckin three including this one that need a DM vocalist) so don't be surprised if you hear from me via PM soon. :)