Dec 28, 2001
New Plymouth, New Zealand
In the spirit of all these crap compilations, I've uploaded my own (with help from Ockham the great)

This is mostly really obscure stuff, enjoy.

Megaslaughter - Raise The Dead (Calls From the Beyond, 1991)
Sororicide - Human Recycling (The Entity, 1991)
Imprecation - Emperor of the Infernal Spirits (Theurgia Goetia Summa, 1995)
Mourning - Get AIDS and Die (Greetings From Hell, 1993)
Dark Millennium - Below the Holy Fatherlands (Ashore the Celestial Burden, 1992)
Traumatic Voyage - Shadowconcious (Traumatic..., 1992)
Eternal Darkness (swe) - Psychopath (Twilight in the Wilderness, 1993)
Bloodstone (swe) - Burning Eye of Infinity (Hour of the Gate, 1996)
Chemical Breath - The Advantage of Disbelief (Fatal Exposure, 1992)
Polluted Inheritance - Memories of Sadness (Ecocide, 1992)
Transgressor - Disembodied/Suffocation (Ether For Scapegoat, 1992)
Stonehange - Behind Reality (Death is the Crown of All, 1992)

I'm currently making another right now, and will probably have it up tomorrow.
Before I D/L this - who is "Ockham the great"? Is it someone that used to post on here?

BTW Swizzelnuts, how old are you, 12? Your sig is just shit, no wonder people look at metal fans and think we're all fucking weirdo retards.
I really enjoyed megaslaughter, sororiside, and eternal darkness. ace
considering davids like mr good death metal yeah i guess

btw erik please delete every polarity post in this thread and then request his banning
Erik said:
Great idea

I've requested his banning before and he's been warned by Deron already so he's on pretty fucking thin ice at this point

EDIT: thread cleaned up like fuck

to be fair it was stormwatch who incited that shit not me