Death Metal Recs


Sep 7, 2007
Ok, so I'm looking to get into death metal. I'm having trouble getting past the vocals, as well as shitty metallic drum sounds and constant beat blasts. Please help me with this.
My current level of tolerance:

Totally Digging:

Kataklysm - In The Arms Of Devastation
All Amon Amarth, even when he goes crazy deep like on Asator
Bloodbath - Nightmares Made Flesh (However, Resurrection Through Carnage is too deep)
Behemoth - Nothing in particular, don't have any of their stuff, but like Slaves Shall Serve and Conquer All...vocals are borderline for me, as is music

Having Trouble With:

Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes (Obviously, the music is fine, but the vocals are a little too deep, possibly because the music isn't heavy enough to match them)
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines (Music a little too intense, main problem is the vocals)
Vital Remains - Dechristianize (Vocals a little too deep, also the drum sound is just pathetic)

Basically, what I'm looking for from you are DM bands that:

A) Do not sing too deep

B) Have a decent drum sound and don't use constant blast beats

C)(Sort of optional) Don't sing about nothing but gore and violence - some is okay, sacreligiousness is totally fine, just not too into gore metal

Please don't recommend Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under, or whatever - violates A, C, and sometimes even B.

Good really raw death metal, like really old school death or something might be the answer...don't particularly like Celtic Frost though...
Thanks in advance and all...
Listen to older Kataklysm, it is better.
Listen to Edge of Sanity - Crimson, it is better.
Listened to Lost off that album...pretty mellow and then suddenly WHAM...some of the crunchiest guitars I've ever heard...death grunts at about the right level...pretty good...thanks, man.
Atheist - Piece of Time
Possessed - Seven Churches
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse

Pretty much any thrashy old school death metal would probably appeal to you, even if you don't like Celtic Frost. But those three albums are pretty easy to get into.
Listen to the first couple of albums of the following bands:

Morbid Angel
At The Gates
Atheist - Piece of Time
Possessed - Seven Churches
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse

Pretty much any thrashy old school death metal would probably appeal to you, even if you don't like Celtic Frost. But those three albums are pretty easy to get into.

Really? I found them very very hard to get into. Atheist a bit easier, but the other 2 def not. It's not very accessible in my opinion.
you hate good death metal like Incantation (which according to you, violates A and B) and you like In Flames.

stop being such a fucking girl.
Tori Amos

Gotta be kidding

At The Gates
Not exactly what I'm looking see that bit about ridiculous growls and gore?

At The Gates are awesome, but not really very death metal...Dismember I've heard, they're pretty decent.

Bolt Thrower

Uh...You mean early or late Carcass? Early stuff was sorta :puke:
Bolt Thrower are cool.
You need to lighten up on the gore man. That really cuts down on the amount of good DM out there. Who gives a fuck if there's gore in there, it's just a fucking song.
You need to lighten up on the gore man. That really cuts down on the amount of good DM out there. Who gives a fuck if there's gore in there, it's just a fucking song.

Well as we all know, every type of media effects everything we do.

I just played Spartan: Total Warrior, blacked out, and woke up five minutes later surronded by corpses with a sharpened, bloody stick in my hands.

He might do the same if he listens to Deicide. Or Cannibal Corpse.

God knows I stripped, raped and strangled a couple of people before I stopped playing Butchered at Birth.

Cadaver-...In Pains
Answers to all of your demands. Has interesting, rather atypical lyrics that go well with the music. Great(not deep) vocals, easy on the ears regardless of how loud you listen it, it never sounds intrusive or annoying. The whole album flows extremely well(purely organic death metal). It's technical without being blatantly obvious about it. It does have some blasting but the way the album is produced makes all of its elements very understated. The album is very unique for its genre. Not exactly accessible, (but some of the best stuff isn't). In addition, this is a classic that has more longevity than most of the stuff you listen to now.
Okay, that last part was slightly pretentious, I suppose. But I just had a sudden urge to promote this wonderful gem again.