Death Metal

True dat, I am waiting for him to get those two new Pulverised Rec. releases to buy 'em up.

edit: and that would kill to have on record; one of the best cover arts I've seen as of late...awesome!
I've seen some people say that seance is bad, are they gays or mixed reviews?

And is that band santhanas any good? Same label as others
Hear for yourself on Youtube or on their Myspace; if you like the songs posted, you'll like the album. It's "clean" and "modern" sounding but I find it pretty memorable, catchy and badass. It's not the same Seance but people whining about that need a reality check; bands are never going to be the exact same or even close when they lose their songwriters/a decade and a half occurs between albums. :p
Ill look into that assaulter album too. V5, got any links for straight mp3 download or youtube? Can't play myspace on my phone
I never got into the stuff Seance peddled back in the day. Something about the bass tone and the fact that they sounded very American was a problem and impediment for me getting into them. Like I always say, the epic opening to Soulerosion DEFINES DEATH METAL IN 8 SECONDS OF PURE WIN, though, so...I guess I like them to an extent. The new album is very good though imo.
I never got into the stuff Seance peddled back in the day. Something about the bass tone and the fact that they sounded very American was a problem and impediment for me getting into them. Like I always say, the epic opening to Soulerosion DEFINES DEATH METAL IN 8 SECONDS OF PURE WIN, though, so...I guess I like them to an extent. The new album is very good though imo.


Fornever doesn't have that shitty bass tone at all
How do you discern what "fills a purpose" and what doesn't? It seems like you're using that term as a shoe-in for "I can't get into it" or "well it's easier to think all modern death metal does this so time to ignore it". Even if a riff comes out of nowhere and chugs or does the whole rhythmic double bass following pattern thing, that doesn't mean it has no fucking purpose. I swear you people are weird as hell :)

With filling a purpose I mean if it follows the red thread of each particular song or not. If we talk about One again for instance, there the music is built up towards the syncronized bassdrum part, it feels very natural. I'm not entirely dissing those kind of riffs of course, just saying I think they're overused by some bands today.
New Seance is pretty good. I have not gotten around to hearing the new album entirely or anything to really compare it with their first two.